IE Graduate Students Win Awards

The School of Industrial Engineering congratulates the following Graduate Students on their recent awards: Venkata Vamsi Krishna Uppala, Baback Vaziri, Joonyup Eun, Julian Archer, Gaurav Nanda, Harsh Wardhan Aggarwal and Rodrigo Reyes Levalle.

On April 15, 2015 the College of Engineering will hosted an awards luncheon and presented awards -

Magoon Award for Excellence in Teaching

  • Baback Vaziri
  • Venkata Vamsi Kirshna Uppala
  • Joonyup Eun
  • Julian Archer
  • Gaurav Nanda

The Magoon Award is given to outstanding teaching assistants in memory of Estus H. and Vashti L. Magoon who have influenced the lives of many engineering educators early in their careers through this award.

Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award

  • Rodrigo Reyes Levalle

This award recognizes outstanding in graduate student research by the College of Engineering.

Outstanding Graduate Service  Award

  • Harsh Wardhan Aggarwal

Awarded to a student who has provided outstanding service to the graduate community, the School, the College, and/or the University.

 Congratulations to all the award winners!