Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award 2019-2020
The graduate students in each School select an Outstanding Faculty Mentor to recognize his or her exceptional mentoring of engineering graduate students. These professors receive an engraved plaque with a personal tribute composed by the students. The EEE graduate students chose Professor Chad Jafvert as the Outstanding Faculty Mentor.
Jafvert says, “This award is extremely meaningful to me because it originated through the independent nomination by one of my graduate students, who took the time to document the ways in which I have been a positive mentor. Mentoring is what we do, by working with graduate students on research projects, we teach them how to perform research (in my case, often in the lab), how to write (and edit!), and how to think critically, so that they can in turn teach us. Hence, mentoring is not a one-way process, as everyone grows from the experience. And that is why it is so rewarding."