Joseph Pekny

Professor of Chemical Engineering

Purdue University
Davidson School of Chemical Engineering
Forney Hall of Chemical Engineering
480 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2100
(765) 494-4069 (office)
(765) 494-0805 (fax)
Joined Purdue in 1990
B.S. Princeton University, 1985
Ph.D Carnegie Mellon University, 1989

Research Interests

Professor Pekny and his students work at the interface between engineering, computer science, mathematics, management science, and information technology to develop improved methods for the scheduling, planning, design, and optimization of manufacturing, business, and research pipeline processes. Many of the opportunities and challenges addressed by the research effort are emerging from the breathtaking changes in the information infrastructure of the process industries and the increasingly competitive nature of the global economy. Inexpensive means of producing, transporting, storing, and processing large quantities of data is placing a premium on the development of more sophisticated methods for generating knowledge. In fact a significant aspect of generating knowledge is an ability to use data to make discrete process management decisions that arise in virtually all applications. Thus a major thrust of Professor Pekny's research group is the study of model combinatorial optimization problems and the development of software research platforms for process combinatorics problems. Another closely related research area arising naturally out of applications is understanding the implications of uncertain data and the formulation of appropriate risk management strategies to mitigate uncertainty. This research area involves investigating mixed integer linear programming sensitivity analysis, the coupling of simulation and optimization methods, and developing methods that quantitatively and qualitatively incorporate risk preferences.

Research Group

Graduate Students

  • Wei-An Chen (co-advised with Gintaras Reklaitis)
  • Christopher Hagmann (co-advised with Gintaras Reklaitis)
  • Xiaohui Liu

Selected Publications

"Purchasing versus Leasing: A Benefit-Cost Analysis of Residential Solar Panel PV Use in California," X. Liu, E. G. O’Rear, W. E. Tyner, and J. F. Pekny, Renewable Energy, 66, 770-774 (2014)

"Integrated Planning and Optimization of the Clinical Trial Supply Chain System with Risk Pooling," Y. Chen, J. F. Pekny, and G. V. Reklaitis, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 52, 1, 152-165 (2013)

”The Effects of Electric Vehicles on Residential Households in the City of Indianapolis,” S. Huang, H. Safiullah, J. Xiao, B-M. Hodge, R. Hoffman, J. Soller, D. Jones, D. Dininger, W. E. Tyner, A. Liu, and J. F. Pekny, Energy Policy, 49, 442-455 (2012)

“Multi-Paradigm Modeling of the Effects of PHEV Adoption on Electric Utility Usage Levels and Emissions,” B-M. Hodge, A. Shukla, S. Huang, G. Reklaitis, V. Venkatasubramanian, and J. Pekny, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 50, 5191-5203 (2011)

“The Effects of Electricity Pricing on PHEV Competitiveness,” S. Huang, B-M. Hodge, F. Taheripour, J. Pekny, G. V. Reklaitis, and W. Tyner, Energy Policy, 39-3, 1552-1561 (2011)

“An Optimization Framework for Cost Effective Design of Refueling Station Infrastructure for Alternative Fuel Vehicles,” A. Shukla, J. F. Pekny, and V. Venkatasubramanian, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 35, 1431-1438 (2011)

“Operating Reserve Policies with High Wind Power Penetration,” J. Xiao, B-M. Hodge, J. F. Pekny, and G. V. Reklaitis, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 35, 1876-1885 (2011)