Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical engineering is the branch of engineering dealing with the analysis, design and construction of foundations, slopes, retaining structures and other systems that are made of or are supported by soil or rock. The research ranges in nature from analytical and numerical analysis of geotechnical problems to constitutive modeling, experimental modeling and design-oriented research. Historically, the Geotechnical Faculty have continuously maintained a balance between theoretical, experimental and design-oriented research, and this tradition remains true today.
The Geotechnical Engineering area in Civil Engineering is relatively unstructured and provides freedom for students and their graduate committees to develop a plan of study that will meet individual goals. A broad range of courses are available in the areas of geotechnical engineering as well as other areas of civil engineering. Additionally, it is possible for students to take courses in geology, mathematics, chemistry, agronomy and other engineering disciplines. The Geotechnical Facilities provide means for undergraduate and graduate students to examine the nature and validity of strength and compressibility theories and their application to stability and settlement analysis. The Purdue Geotechnical Society enhances the strong bond and working relationship among alumni, faculty, students, and staff of the Geotechnical Engineering group at Purdue University for the benefit of all.
March 4, 2025
The 2025 Purdue Geotechnical Society Workshop and the 21st G.A. Leonards Lecture will take place on Friday, April 11th. Professor Giulia Viggiani of the University of Cambridge will deliver the Leonards Lecture on Engineering Frozen Ground: Understanding the Behavior of Soil on Freezing and Thawing.
January 7, 2025
Dr. Monica Prezzi, Professor of Civil Engineering, has been elected to a two-year term on the Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) Educational Trust Board of Trustees. Since its founding, the DFI Educational Trust has awarded nearly $2 million in scholarships and grants to at least 500 students studying at colleges and universities across the United States and Canada.
October 7, 2024
PhD student Kike Garzon-Sabogal tied for first place in the poster competition at the 5th International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro held September 23-27 in Grenoble, France. His poster is titled, Stiffness and damping of non-homogeneous engineered particles.
April 12, 2024
Antonio Bobet, the Edgar B. and Hedwig M. Olson Professor of Civil Engineering, has been selected to join the Fulbright Specialist Program. Established in 2001 by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), the program pairs highly qualified U.S. academics and professionals with host institutions abroad to share their expertise and strengthen institutional linkages.
October 30, 2023
Dr. Monica Prezzi, Professor of Civil Engineering at the Lyles School of Civil Engineering, has been appointed Editor of ASCE's Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, previously known as the Journal of Geotechnical Engineering.
October 30, 2023
The 18th C.W. Lovell Distinguished Lecture will be held on Friday, November 3rd at 4:30pm in Room 121 of the Burton Morgan Building. Edward Kavazanjian, Jr., Regents' Professor and the Ira A. Fulton Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at Arizona State University, will lecture on "GEO-Alchemy: Biogeotechnical Carbonate Precipitation for Hazard Mitigation and Ground Improvement."
May 1, 2023
Congratulations to Professor Marika Santagata on receiving the Charles B. Murphy Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award for her passion in inspiring her students to build a better world.
November 7, 2022
Congratulations to Rodrigo Salgado, Charles Pankow Professor in Civil Engineering, on receiving the Richard R. Torrens Award for outstanding contributions to the ASCE publications program.
June 22, 2022
Lyles School PhD candidate Mohammadhasan (Movey) Sasar has received the 2022 Purdue Graduate School Excellence in Teaching Award, the highest honor given to Purdue teaching assistants.
April 20, 2022
Joe Sinfield, professor of civil engineering, and researchers in his laboratory at Purdue University's Lyles School of Civil Engineering, have created a suite of technologies to expand applications of Raman spectroscopy – a chemical analysis technique that makes use of light to assess the chemical composition of materials.
March 25, 2021
We invite you to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Professor Gerald A. Leonards' birthday through an informal event to be held online on the afternoon of April 29th. This will be about a 2.5-hour session using ZOOM. Participation is free, registration required. There will be short presentations by six of Jerry's former colleagues or students that will highlight his legacy and connect it to the state of practice today and the future of our profession.
September 21, 2020
PhD student Eirini Christoforidou has been awarded a Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) fellowship for the academic year 2020-2021 for her research proposal "Improved understanding of load- and displacement-transfer mechanisms between geocell and fill in flexible pavements."
August 11, 2020
Lyles School PhD candidate Mohammadhasan (Movey) Sasar was recently awarded the 2020 Clay Minerals Society Student Research Grant. He will be studying the interaction of clay minerals with anionic polymers under fast-occurring flocculation.
July 10, 2019
Antonio Bobet, the Edgar B. and Hedwig M. Olson Professor of Civil Engineering, delivered a keynote lecture, titled "Resilient Extraterrestrial Habitats on the Moon and Mars," at the American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA) 53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium on June 24th in New York City.
July 9, 2019
Danielli de Melo Moura, PhD candidate in the Lyles School of Civil Engineering, received an award for best poster in the civil engineering track at the 53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium (ARMA 2019) held in New York City in June 2019. Co-authored by Antonio Bobet, Edgar B. and Hedwig M. Olson Professor in Civil Engineering, the work is titled, "Influence of Flaw Geometry on Crack Coalescence across a Frictional Interface in a Rock Model Material."
June 14, 2019
The Purdue University Board of Trustees on Friday (June 14) ratified the naming of Antonio Bobet as the Edgar B. and Hedwig M. Olson Professor in Civil Engineering.
March 25, 2019
Congratulations to Rodrigo Salgado, Charles Pankow Professor in Civil Engineering, on being the new Editor in Chief of the ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering.
February 20, 2019
A Purdue University team, led by Civil Engineering Associate Professor Joe Sinfield, has developed a new method to detect the presence of certain hazardous solvents in water and soil.
June 26, 2018
Dr. Anahita Modiriasari received the 2018 Dr. Neville G.W. Cook Ph.D. Dissertation Award for the best Ph.D. thesis in rock mechanics and rock engineering. The award is given by ARMA, the American Rock Mechanics Association. A plaque, with the award, was presented to Dr. Modiriasari at the awards banquet during the 52nd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Conference in Seattle.
July 6, 2017
ASTM International recognized Professor Emeritus Vincent P. Drnevich with the 2015 Committee on Publications Award for the Outstanding Article on the Practice of Geotechnical Engineering.