Civil Engineering Global Opportunities - 2016
Three study abroad programs designed specifically for civil engineering students will be offered during 2016 Maymester, including trips to western Turkey, the UK (along with France and Germany), and Sweden.
Structural Form through the Ages - 2016 Maymester (tentative dates are May 15-30, 2016) Study-Abroad Course in Civil Engineering (3 credits, pending approval). Professors Ayhan Irfanoglu & Santiago Pujol. Intended primarily for civil engineering students, the Structural Form study-abroad course will cover the evolution of structural form from ancient to classical times to modern day. Field trips, classroom exercises and demonstrations will be used to enhance the instruction and understanding process. Enrollment will be limited to 18 to ensure closer interaction. This course will take place in the historic settings of Istanbul and Eski Doganbey (Domatia) in western Turkey.
21st Century European Transportation – 2016 Maymester (tentative dates are May 8-20, 2016) Study Abroad Course in Civil Engineering (3 credits). Professor Darcy Bullock. Constructing well integrated multi-modal systems is a tremendous engineering challenge that is difficult for students to comprehend from a textbook. The London Crossrail Project ($17B) that is nearing completion provides a tremendous opportunity for students to see the construction activities involve in integrating the regions airports, trains, subway, pedestrian, and bicycle infrastructure. Tours of the A380 assembly plant (largest passenger plane in the world) as well as historical airports and 21 Century Airports in Berlin and Paris round out a rich experience for students to interact during a 2 week active learning program. This course will include stops in London, England; Paris, France; and Berlin and Munich, Germany.
Sustainability Across Sectors – 2016 Maymester (tentative dates are May 11-16, 2016) Study Abroad Course in Engineering (3 credits), with coursework required in Environmental Engineering. Prof Inez Hua. Sweden is ranked 9th in the world on the Environmental Performance Index reflecting on how the country performs in areas such as environmental health and ecosystem vitality. Purdue will partner with KTH, the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology, in Stockholm for this program. You will receive lectures from KTH faculty and visit the Nobel Prize Museum, Parliament, industry, water treatment and waste-to-energy facilities, as well as partake in cultural activities. This course will take place in Stockholm, Sweden.