Burke Graduate Program Current Students
Graduate programs typically have much more flexibility with regard to academic courses and completion schedules. This page provides information necessary for all Civil Engineering Graduate Students as well as links to more specific information based on your degree objective.
General Information for All Students:
- Civil Engineering Graduate Student Handbook
- Civil Engineering Graduate Student Travel and Professional Development Scholarships
- Registration Procedures
- Degree Requirements
- Registration Requirements
- Plan of Study (POS) Procedures (Written Instructions)
- Plan of Study (POS) Procedures (Slides)
- Faculty Graduate Code List
- Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Instructions
- Graduate School Forms Page (Form 12 – RIA, Form 17 – Transfer, Form 29 – Degree Completion)
- Banner Course Lookup
- Civil Engineering Graduate Student Advisory Council (CEGSAC)
- MS/PhD Defense Announcements
- Protocol for Rubrics
- Business Office Forms
- Departure Form
- Professional Development
- CAPS Liaisons to Engineering
PhD Students:
Information for International Students
Full time registration in each fall and spring semester is 8 credit hours. These hours can be coursework or research. However, students that are funded with a .50 FTE appointment will be considered full-time by the graduate school with just six credit hours.
Students on a visa are eligible to to register for less than full time in the semester they will graduate. A Reduction in Course Load request must be made of the International Students and Scholars Office. Exam or Degree Only registration is considered a reduction of course load.
Summer semester registration is not generally required of students on a visa, therefore any amount of registration is permitted in the summer. Those students who are being funded on an assistantship are required to register for at least three credit hours. Those students who are being funded by a fellowship are required to maintain full-time registration during the summer. Students graduating in summer must register for full-time or request an RCL.
If a student needs to sit-out (not enroll) for a semester or two – it is permitted by the graduate school. The student should alert the International Students and Scholars office and should discuss the situation with their advisor. If the student does not enroll by the third semester, they would be required to re-apply to the graduate program.