Seyed Ali Ghahari receives scholarship to attend MIT workshop
Lyles CE graduate student Seyed Ali Ghahari was recently awarded a competitive scholarship from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to attend the Modeling and Simulation of Transportation Networks Workshop that took place in Cambridge, July 31 – August 4, 2017.
The workshop, hosted by renowned professor, Dr. Moshe Ben-Akiva, addressed the development of models for the planning, design, and operations of transportation systems. These include demand modeling methods, and related analytical techniques, including discrete choice models, and their application to travel choices and driving behavior, prediction of traffic congestion, traffic flow models and simulation methods (microscopic, mesoscopic, and macroscopic), and alternative methods for dynamic traffic assignment. More than 20 researchers were selected from institutions and organizations worldwide to participate in the workshop.
Ali is a student of Professor Samuel Labi.