Purdue group receives 2021 Sussman Best Paper Prize
Students Sania Seilabi & Amir Davatgari, post-doctoral researcher Mohammad Miralinaghi, and Professor Samuel Labi of the Lyles School of Civil Engineering and the Center for Connected & Automated Transportation (CCAT), received the 2021 Sussman Best Paper Prize from the Frontiers in the Built Environment journal, for their paper titled "Promoting Autonomous Vehicles Using Travel Demand and Lane Management Strategies."
Their paper investigated sustainable network design for Autonomous Vehicle (AV) dedicated lanes in a future era of mixed-traffic streams consisting of AVs and Human-driven vehicles (HDVs). The authors developed a novel travel demand management strategy to minimize the impact of reduced road capacity for HDVs in a manner that addresses the principles of sustainability.
The award is named after Professor Joseph M. Sussman who taught at MIT for over 50 years. Professor Sussman’s research had focused on large-scale complex engineering systems and their applications.
Details about the award can be found at the link below.