Transportation Engineering

December 5, 2018

Flint, Michigan, lead crisis should have buried the city in water bottles. So, why didn't it?

One hundred thousand residents of Flint, Michigan, could use water only from bottles or filters during a years-long lead contamination crisis, which started when the city switched to a new drinking water source in 2014. As part of a class assignment that grew into a case study, Purdue University researchers found that during the first three weeks of the disaster alone, anywhere from 31 to 100 million bottles were generated as waste. This means that Flint should have been buried in plastic by the time the crisis ended in 2017.
November 30, 2018

Professor Chad Jafvert inducted into Purdue's Book of Great Teachers

On Dec. 11, Lyles Family Professor of Civil Engineering Chad Jafvert was inducted into the University's Book of Great Teachers - honoring outstanding teaching faculty who have demonstrated sustained excellence in the classroom. Held every five years, the induction ceremony will take place at 3:30 p.m. in Purdue Memorial Union's South Ballroom President Mitch Daniels and Provost Jay Akridge will speak at the event.
November 27, 2018

Future wildfires: Stronger buildings could delay, but not stop, destruction alone

California's deadly Camp Fire is now 100 percent contained, but low humidity and strong winds in the state mean that wildfires could strike again. Unfortunately, better building materials and planning can only offer so much protection, says Julio Ramirez, the center director for the National Science Foundation's Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure Network Coordination Office, and Purdue's Karl H. Kettelhut Professor of Civil Engineering.
November 13, 2018

Civil Engineering IMPACT magazine recognized with MarCom award

The spring 2018 issue of the Lyles School's Civil Engineering IMPACT magazine has been recognized by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP) with a gold MarCom award. The international contest recognizes outstanding achievement by creative professionals involved in the concept, direction, design and production of marketing and communication materials and programs.
November 12, 2018

CE faculty, student paper earns Editors Choice Awards

A paper published by faculty and grad students in the Lyles School of Civil Engineering has garnered the Editors' Choice Award from Water Resources Research. The award is given to about 1% of published articles in any calendar year.
November 2, 2018

Ron Klemencic receives 2019 OPAL award

Ron Klemencic (BSCE '85) has been selected to receive the 2019 OPAL award — presented by ASCE — for his innovation and excellence in civil engineering design. This year's OPAL leadership award winners will be honored at the 2019 OPAL Gala, March 14, in Arlington, VA.
October 25, 2018

Harold Force inducted into National Academy of Construction

The National Academy of Construction has elected Harold F. Force (BSCE 1973, MSCE 1974), president of Force Construction Company, Inc., and executive vice president of Force Design, Inc., as a member of its class of 2018. He was formally inducted on October 11 during the NAC annual meeting, held at the US Grant Hotel. The 2018 class includes 37 new inductees. More than 300 leaders were considered for the selective NAC election process.
October 23, 2018

E-scooters at Purdue are sweet as jelly

In the coming weeks, 40 scooters will be distributed across Purdue's campus to begin a four-week research project on best practices for using e-scooters. The research project, called Jelly, is being led by Darcy Bullock, Purdue's Lyles Family Professor of Civil Engineering and director of the Joint Transportation Research Program, which is operated out of Purdue's Discovery Park.
October 21, 2018

Sustainable, human-centered buildings

Somebody has turned up the conference room thermostat, again. And a co-worker wears a blanket at her desk. Sound familiar? It is more than annoying. In a recent survey of more than 1,000 office workers, 46 percent reported that their office was too hot or too cold. In fact, building occupants affect up to 30 percent of its energy usage. The building sector in the U.S. accounts for about 40 percent of primary energy usage, 71 percent of electricity usage and 38 percent of carbon dioxide emissions. Panagiota Karava, the Jack and Kay Hockema Associate Professor in Civil Engineering, wants to help change that.
October 20, 2018

Resilient urban communities

Suresh Rao studies failure. Specifically, he examines failures of the infrastructure networks that provide critical services to cities. By examining breakdowns and recoveries in urban infrastructure, he and his team are learning how to design and operate cities better — and help urban communities become more resilient. Rao, Professor of Civil Engineering and the Lee A. Rieth Distinguished Professor of Environmental Engineering, views cities as complex systems, a conglomeration of engineered networks (utilities, power grids, roads), the institutions that manage them, and the communities that expect their demands to be met reliably and affordably.
October 19, 2018

Purdue Civil Engineering study influences Indiana infrastructure funding

A study completed in 2017 by the Lyles School of Civil Engineering was used by the Indiana General Assembly to realign the highway taxation structure that addressed the growing transportation-funding needs. The study concluded that the existing (at that time) fuel tax was inadequate to ensure that the state's roadways were maintained properly. According to the report, federal and most state fuel tax rates have not changed for many years. That and the increased fuel efficiency of modern cars has created a serious funding gap that is rapidly growing.
October 18, 2018

Roads that charge electric cars

Electric cars that charge while driving? Purdue civil engineers want to make that leap. Konstantina (Nadia) Gkritza, Associate Professor in the Lyles School of Civil Engineering, studies the practicality of a roadway where electric-powered vehicles are recharged as they drive along it.
October 17, 2018

A novel, nondestructive test for road readiness

Sometimes big innovations are made through small steps. Civil engineering researchers at Purdue are developing a way to test the quality of newly laid concrete — through vibrations. Currently, quality testing for laid concrete consists of retrieving a sample from the site, taking it back to a laboratory, and then testing its compression strength. Associate Professor Na "Luna" Lu of the Lyles School believes she and her graduate students have developed a better, faster method.
October 15, 2018

Wood nanocrystals strengthen concrete, sustainably

By infusing concrete with microscopic crystals made from wood cellulose, Purdue Professor Pablo Zavattieri, along with researchers from Purdue's School of Materials Engineering and Oregon State University, have shown they can make concrete stronger. This project, which started in 2011 with a National Science Foundation grant, is now moving from the laboratory to the real world with a bridge under construction in northern California this year.
October 12, 2018

Purdue trustees ratify five named CE faculty

The Purdue University Board of Trustees on Friday (Oct. 12) ratified five named faculty positions within the Lyles School of Civil Engineering, including Ernest Blatchley (Lee A. Rieth Professor in Environmental Engineering), Ayman Habib (Thomas A. Page Professor of Civil Engineering), Chad Jafvert (Lyles Family Professor in the Lyles School of Civil Engineering), Julio Ramirez (Karl H. Kettelhut Professor in Civil Engineering), and Amit Varma (Karl H. Kettelhut Professor in Civil Engineering).
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