Yining Feng selected to attend Polsky Center Women in STEM Leadership Conference
PhD student Yining Feng has been selected to attend the Polsky Center Women in STEM Leadership Conference at the University of Chicago on October 27.
The conference is hosted by the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation thanks to a grant from the NSF. It’s supported by a partner of the Polsky Center, the Institute for Translational Medicine (ITM), a partnership between the University of Chicago and Rush in collaboration with several health and research institutions.
Yining Feng is pursuing her PhD degree in Civil Engineering at Purdue University. She is also a guest graduate student at Argonne National Lab. She received her Masters degree in Civil Engineering at Purdue. Her current research interests range from nanostructured oxides for high temperature thermoelectric applications to flexible thermoelectric devices for medium to low temperature applications. Yining has published one book chapter, five journal papers and one conference proceeding. Yining has attended the 2017 National Science Foundation (NSF) Innovation Corps (I-Corps) as an entrepreneur lead on high temperature thermoelectric technology development.
Yining is a student of Associate Professor Luna Lu.