Graduate Awards
- American Concrete Institute President's Fellowship
- Andrews Fellowship
- Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship
- CE Best Dissertation Award
- Charles C. Chappelle Fellowship
- James H. and Carol H. Cure Graduate Support Endowment
- Hugh W. and Edna M. Donnan Fellowship
- Marc D. and Carol W. Gill Endowment Fund
- John E. Goldberg Fellowship
- Graduate School Excellence in Teaching Award Nominee
- Knox Fellowship
- Lynn Fellowship
- Lyles Teaching Assistantship
- Lyles Teaching Fellow
- Estus H. and Vashti L. Magoon Award
- Robert D. Miles Graduate Scholarship
- Nellie Munson Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
- Outstanding Graduate Student
- Outstanding CE Graduate Student Research Award
- Outstanding CE Graduate Student Service Award
- Purdue Doctoral Fellowship
- Ross Fellowship
- Summer Research Grant
- Teaching Academy Graduate Teaching Assistant
- Pai Tao Yeh Fellowship