ABE Safety Procedures

A fire alarm is an alarm that goes off in the building.  In the case of a fire alarm you will evacuate the building as follows:

  1. Calmly proceed to the nearest exit
  2. Do not use the elevator
  3. Take your personal belongings if possible
  4. Assist those who need help if possible
  5. Once outside, gather on the Agricultural Mall between the Food Science building and Whistler Hall
  6. In the event of adverse weather, gather in the lobby of the Hansen building
  7. Stay in place until instructed to leave

ABE primary exits are on the first floor of the building, facing Biochemistry and Hansen. There are two exits on the south side facing the Service building.

A shelter in place alarm is an alarm that goes off outside the building. In the case of a shelter in place alarm – you will remain in the building as follows:

  1. Move to the first floor hallway
  2. Do not use the elevator
  3. Take your personal belongings if possible
  4. Assist those who need help if possible
  5. Stay in the shelter location until instructed to leave
  6. Obey all emergency personnel

A Fire or Chemical Release may cause a fire alarm.  An intruder, a Tornado or a Terrorist Act may cause a shelter in place alarm.