Vincent Bralts

Vincent Bralts

Professor Emeritus, Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Purdue University
Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering
225 South University Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2093

Research Areas

Irrigation Design and Management. Hydraulic network analysis using FEM. Irrigation scheduling. Expert Systems. Land and water resources planning. International development. Engineering education and administration.


Vincent F. Bralts is a Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Purdue University. Dr. Bralts received his B.S. from Cornell University, M.S. from University of Hawaii and Ph.D. from Michigan State University. Since arriving at Purdue he has served as the Head of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, the Interim Head of Nuclear Engineering and the Associate Dean for Resource Planning and Management in the College of Engineering. Dr. Bralts' research interests include Water Resources Planning and Management, International Development, Irrigation Performance, Irrigation Systems Design and Management, Expert Systems for Environmental Decision Making, Hydraulic Network Analysis, Irrigation Scheduling, Engineering Education and Administration.

Dr. Bralts is internationally known for his expertise in the Hydraulic Design and Field Evaluation of Microirrigation Systems. He has given seminars and short courses on Microirrigation in India, Mexico, Zimbabwe, Spain, and Puerto Rico as well as many of the states of the USA.

Visiting Scholars, Postdoctoral fellows, graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to contact Dr. Bralts about research opportunities Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering.

Publication reprints available at my Google Scholar page.