June 2020

1. Our work on streaming apps for mobile devices to deal with storage crunch and network dead zones was featured on Inside Indiana Business’ June 5th program. For this show, Saurabh was interviewed by Gerry Dick.

And here is the interview (4 minutes)

2. We have two new vision papers that are now accepted to journals. The first is on resilience for autonomous systems, with 16 co-authors, and arising from the CRISP Workshop in 2019. This will appear in the IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society.

The second vision paper is on IoT networking, systems, reliability, and security challenges, co-authored by Saurabh with Prashant Shenoy (UMass Amherst), Tarek Abdelzaher (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), and Ramesh Govindan (University of Southern California), together with the students. This came out of discussions started at the NSF Computer Systems Research PI meeting in Oct 2019.