The end of the semester is a time for celebrations and good byes.
Celebrations of all the wonderful things that our members did over the semester. Good byes for all the members who are graduating and going on to the promise of doing wonderful things in their professional careers or graduate school careers.
Our Spring 2023 Group Champ award went to Atul Sharma. The citation read: “For showing how you can learn securely”. He has blazed the trail to secure distributed learning with a paper in AsiaCCS and one in DSN, in addition to supporting a paper in CVPR. Plus, he won an award at NVIDIA from his internship.

The other award winners are:
Best Fresher (open to someone who has been in DCSL 1 year or less): Hyunseung Kim
Citation: “For being edge-y and offloading smartly”
Superstar Undergrad: Aryamaan Dhomne
Citation: “For taming genomics and computer systems”
On award news, our undergraduate researcher Darren Wu received the best Undergraduate Researcher award from the School of ECE. The award ceremony in April was a celebratory one. To win one of two research awards from among the 1900 undergraduate students in ECE is a recognition indeed.

And Utkarsh Priyam, one of our undergraduate researchers who had been working with us for 2 years, is graduating and going on to CMU for his Masters studies. He will be joining their Machine Learning department.