Tell me your story…
My name is Amber Kaplan and I am going to be a Junior in CEM this fall. I am also minoring in management and plan on pursuing an entrepreneurship certificate as well. I am from Madison, Wisconsin. I am also the President of the Women’s Club Basketball team here at Purdue.
What is your Official role + duties in the Beta Tau Fraternity?
I am the treasurer for Beta Tau, so my roles range from organizing funding for any and all events and keeping a sound budget for the whole year. This means I will be heavily involved in the planning of all Beta Tau sponsored events!
What events do Beta Tau contribute to in CEM?
Beta Tau presents the opportunity to network with industry reps in low-stake situations. Whether this is a cocktail hour with the advisory board or the annual banquet, Beta Tau gives you ample opportunity to practice and get comfortable talking to people who could hire you. This helps to develop your communication and confidence when speaking to superiors in the industry. Having these skills practiced make interviews and career fairs that much easier.
What have you learned in Beta Tau that will be useful in your internships/future career?
Beta Tau contributes to many networking events. The organization presents opportunity to meet industry representatives who graduated from CEM in exclusive CEM/Beta Tau events. Beta Tau also contributes FUN social events for CEM. Ranging from IM sports to Top Golf to socials over food on campus.
What benefits do you have being a Beta Tau leader/member?
The biggest benefit of being a Beta Tau leader/member, in my opinion, is having a say in the CEM program in general. Through being a member, you create great relationships with the program’s advisors. They tend to turn to Beta Tau members when they have an idea for the program or need a student’s perspective on an event or opportunity for the CEM program. Beta Tau is almost like a student advisory board, and having this say in the programs lets members be in a CEM program that they have helped make great.