Towards modeling of human skilling for electrical circuitry using augmented reality applications

by | Jun 23, 2021

Authors: Ana Villanueva, Ziyi Liu, Yoshimasa Kitaguchi, Zhengzhe Zhu, Kylie Peppler, Thomas Redick, Karthik Ramani
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education

Augmented reality (AR) is a unique, hands-on tool to deliver information. However, its educational value has been mainly demonstrated empirically so far. In this paper, we present a modeling approach to provide users with mastery of a skill, using AR learning content to implement an educational curriculum. We illustrate the potential of this approach by applying this to an important but pervasively misunderstood area of STEM learning, electrical circuitry. Unlike previous cognitive assessment models, we break down the area into microskills—the smallest segmentation of this knowledge—and concrete learning outcomes for each. This model empowers the user to perform a variety of tasks that are conducive to the acquisition of the skill. We also provide a classification of microskills and how to design them in an AR environment. Our results demonstrated that aligning the AR technology to specific learning objectives paves the way for high quality assessment, teaching, and learning.

Ana Villanueva

Ana Villanueva

Ana Villanueva is a first year DPhD student in the School of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue. She obtained her bachelor's degree from the University of Kansas in Mechanical Engineering (2016). Her research interests involve the biomechanics behind human-computer interactions, data visualization and data analysis. Other research interests include the biomechanics of the human spine, the mechanical behavior of self-healing polymers and the design of walking aids for elderly patients. In her free time, Ana enjoys traveling with her friends, learning new languages, watching Dr. House and visiting her home country, Peru. She is a member of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and a member of Pi Tau Sigma, the International Mechanical Engineering Honor Society.