Representative Greg Pence Visits the School of Nuclear Engineering
(Purdue University photo/Kelsey Lefever)
Purdue University has unique nuclear infrastructure facilities that can support the development of new advanced nuclear reactors as well as needs of the existing fleet. Specifically, the School of Nuclear Engineering houses the Purdue University Reactor Number One (PUR-1) and Purdue University Multi-Dimensional Integral Test Assembly (PUMA).
During his visit, Representative Pence toured PUR-1 and PUMA with Dr. Lefteri Tsoukalas, a professor of nuclear engineering, a member of the Technical Advisory Committee for the Duke-Energy and Purdue University SMR Study, and Director of Center of Intelligent Energy Systems (CiENS) and Dr. Bryan Boudouris, the R. Norris and Eleanor Shreve Professor of Chemical Engineering, Professor of Chemistry, by courtesy, and Associate Vice President for Research, Strategic Interdisciplinary Research.
Read Greg Pence joins Purdue leadership, faculty to discuss innovation in energy research