Dr. Robert Webster Receives the 2019-2020 Outstanding Nuclear Engineer Award!
The ONE Award is presented annually to outstanding School of Nuclear Engineering alumni in appreciation of their monumental contributions to the nuclear engineering field.
As a 34-year veteran of the Weapons program at Los Alamos, Dr. Webster has helped the Weapons program make significant contributions to the LANL and NNSA missions. Dr. Webster was presented his award in recognition of the seminal contribution in the applied physics for thermonuclear applications and the national and international leadership in global nuclear security. Dr. Webster was presented his award on September 6th, 2023, by Dr. Seungjin Kim, Capt. James F. McCarthy, Jr. and Cheryl E. McCarthy Head of the School of Nuclear Engineering.
While on campus to accept his award, Dr. Webster gave a Los Alamos National Laboratory Challenge Coin to Dr. Chan Choi, his former graduate professor. Webster also toured research facilities and gave a lecture to student, faculty and staff titled, “Weapons 101, Presented by an Unlikely Weaponeer.”
Congratulations to Dr. Robert Webster!