2018 Best Teacher Award recipient announced
The School of Nuclear Engineering is pleased to announce Assistant Professor Robert Bean as the recipient of the 2018 Best Teacher Award.
This award is presented annually to an outstanding teacher in the Purdue University School of Nuclear Engineering, selected by its student body for excellence in teaching.
In the 2017-18 academic year, Dr. Bean taught NUCL205 (nuclear engineering undergraduate laboratory), NUCL449 (senior design proposal), NUCL504 (nuclear engineering experiments), and NUCL110 (introduction to energy engineering), and ENGR103 (introduction to engineering in practice). His research interests include the application of advanced safeguards to the design of nuclear facilities (specifically next-generation nuclear reactors, aqueous processing plants, and pyroprocessing facilities), as well as radiation detection and measurement (gas detectors, solid state detectors, gamma spectroscopy, neutron detectors).