Mochi Robotics Kit

Lower Age: 3
Upper Age: 9
Price: $199.00
Year Added: 2021
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Mochi Robotics Kit Contents
Mochi Robotics Kit, by My Creativity Box, is a cute and interactive coding set that is recommended for ages 3-9.

This set comes with twelve customizable wooden pieces that can be assembled into a codable spaceship that Mochi, the stuffed bear included in the kit, is able to ride in. Additionally, the kit includes a wooden coding “computer”, fourteen wooden programming blocks, a manual on how to use the kit and different coding sequences that the user can create, and a cloth map of the solar system that the user can place the spaceship on while they are coding. The only additional materials that are needed are six AA batteries which are needed to power both the coding board and the spaceship. Setup of the programming board and understanding the functions of the wooden programming blocks can be confusing to younger users so it is imperative that an adult is present while the user is starting to play with the toy. Moreover, the programming blocks are also quite small and pose a choking hazard to younger children, so adult supervision is recommended at all times.

Through Mochi Robotics Kit, children are able to explore the world of coding in a fun and easily understood medium. The coding board lets children program a wooden spaceship to move across the solar system map. This allows for users to directly see how their actions impact the movement of the spaceship and therefore have a deeper understanding of the coding involved in that process. The programming blocks have a variety of different roles such as directional blocks that control the movement of the spaceship, music blocks that prompt the spaceship to play music, and “FUNction” blocks that directly mimic functions that are used in coding. Additionally, the spaceship is easily personalized by the user. The spaceship was created to be compatible with Lego pieces and the wooden pieces can be colored, adding an element of creativity to the already interactive toy. 

Before the user programs the spaceship for the first time, they are able to read a story that details Mochi’s journey in creating a spaceship that is able to travel across the solar system. The book illustrates Mochi’s reason for needing a spaceship and his iterative design process that resulted in the creation of the finished spaceship. Furthermore, the book chronicles Mochi’s journey through the solar system with descriptions of each planet and other components found in the solar system, furthering the user’s scientific knowledge.

Once the user reaches the end of the story, they come to the section that teaches them about coding. The coding detailed in the manual follows the path from Neptune to Earth that Mochi took in the previous story, motivating the user to correctly program the spaceship to get Mochi to his desired destination. The manual contains four programming instruction pages that show the user how to use the coding blocks as well as list the concepts that are strengthened with each program that is executed by the user. After the user has successfully navigated Mochi’s spaceship from Neptune to Earth, they have the option to create their own code and program the spaceship to move around the room however they desire. The ability for the user to create original code strengthens their critical and creative thinking skills as well as furthering their understanding of iterative design. Mochi Robotics Kit introduces principles of coding and aids in the development of critical and creative thinking skills, problem solving abilities, and computational thinking in younger users. 

Framework Categories

Apply SEM Knowledge (SEM)
Engineering Tools and Processes (ETool)
Computational Thinking
Engineering Thinking (EThink)
Spatial Reasoning
Processes of Design (POD)

Moore, T.J., Glancy, A.W., Tank, K.M., Kersten, J.A., Smith, K.A., & Stohlmann, M.S. (2014). A framework for quality K-12 engineering education: Research and development. Journal of Precollege Engineering Education Research, 4(1), 1-13.

Dasgupta, A., Rynearson, A., Purzer, S., Ehsan, H., & Cardella, M. (2017). Computational Thinking in K-2 Classrooms: Evidence from Student Artifacts (Fundamental). 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings.