How My Co-Op Experience Improved My Career Prospects

Author: Krutartha Jathar
Event Date: March 19, 2019
Krutartha Jathar
I joined the MEM program at Purdue University with the hope to gain in-depth knowledge about a field that I am passionate about, while at the same time getting a broader understanding of a field that I feel is extremely critical for growth in the industry. The former being Mechanical Engineering (Focus: Product Development) and latter being Business Management (Focus: Strategy).
This program enabled me to take courses catered to my varied interests and gain some real experience through company-based projects, research and competitions. For example, I took Business Strategy courses from Purdue's Krannert School of Management where I had the firsthand experience of solving cases as a consultant and providing relevant and unique recommendations for the success of organizations. Similarly, the College of Engineering provided me with sufficient technical depth by working on challenging research projects within the automotive domain.
With enormous exposure to industry partners through multiple career fairs that Purdue hosts each semester, I was able to harness my developed skills in pursuit of co-op opportunities with target companies who value the amalgamation of domains within a candidate. I was extremely fortunate to secure a co-op with Faurecia Clean Mobility at their headquarters in Columbus, Indiana. My co-op was in the area of Vehicle Noise, Vibration, and Harshness (NVH) with the automotive exhaust systems that the company manufactures for the “Big Three” automakers in North America: General Motors, Ford, and Fiat Chrysler (FCA US). I worked on challenging projects in the hybrid vehicles domain, while at the same time leading small teams in product development and root cause analysis.
At Faurecia, the interns and co-ops were always involved in team building activities. The company even arranged multiple networking sessions with the top leadership team, which was an exhilarating experience. In fact, my final co-op presentation was in front of the president of the company, who keenly saw my work and appreciated my educational background. As a result of my presentation, I had the opportunity to work closely with Faurecia’s president to understand the vision for the company and create a corresponding outreach plan.
I feel this enriching co-op experience has changed my personality on a positive note and has given me the opportunity to work in global diverse teams solving problems for a better future. I am confident that this experience, along with my Purdue Engineering Management master’s degree, has certainly empowered me to move forward on a technical leadership path for an exciting career.