From Germany to the USA: Technical Program Management for the Space Sector

Author: Kilian Henrichs
Event Date: March 31, 2022
I joined the MEM Program at Purdue University with a Bachelor of Mechanical and Production Engineering from Germany. I had previous industry experience in the German Space Sector, and wanted to extend my knowledge for my future career with Purdue MEM.


Throughout my journey at Purdue, my plans about how to complete the program changed several times. I joined the program with an initial interest in a one-year co-op, but I ended up graduating through the 1-year accelerated track because this benefited my career plans. All changes were possible, flexible, supported, and guided from our Graduate Program Manager, Karen Hull, and our Program Director, Eric VandeVoorde.

Spending a full calendar year on Purdue’s West Lafayette Campus gave me a good overview of the campus life during the different seasons of the year. In December, the cold season started, which resulted in a lot of snow at the first half of the Spring semester. The Summer in West Lafayette is mostly warm and sunny, which led to many outdoor activities, whether organized as a program social or through my own personal social network. Sport at Purdue plays a key role in US/Campus experience, especially in the Football and Basketball Seasons between September and March. Ross-Ade Stadium and Mackey Arena created a great atmosphere and fun days/nights. House parties, restaurants, and nightlife on campus and in Lafayette, completed the social activity scene. From my journey, I think every character finds opportunities to create a wonderful Purdue experience.

During semester breaks, or more relaxed times, I tried to travel as much as possible in the US. I visited 14 different states during my 11.5 months in the USA, which combined for 8 total weeks of traveling. Personal sightseeing brought me to destinations which were always on my bucket list. New contacts made during my MEM program also gave me the opportunity to celebrate typical American holidays, such as the 4th of July (Independence Day) or Thanksgiving, in a family environment.

Purdue in general, and the MEM program specifically, provides a lot of contacts and hiring pathways for open positions to work in the US. Info sessions and personal contacts to leading companies in the world creates a good level of job opportunities. I personally secured a fulltime job offer starting after my graduation due to a connection between the company and the MEM program. However, I decided to leave the US to return with a promotion to my former employer, Airbus Defense & Space in Germany. Looking forward, I will return to continue traveling the US, and visit some of the friends I made during my time at Purdue!