Why I’m Earning My Master’s Degree Immediately After My Bachelor’s Degree

Author: Jack Ball
Event Date: February 1, 2019
Jack Ball
As my graduation date drew closer, the question of what my next steps were going to be became more and more pressing. I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Nuclear Engineering from Purdue in May of 2018, wrapping up the first stage of an intended career path that would allow me to work on the research and development of cutting-edge nuclear technologies to benefit humankind. The next step on the course I had charted for myself was to pursue a Master’s or PhD in a relevant engineering discipline. So, I involved myself in a number of research projects during my undergrad to prepare for the thesis work that was to come.


Although nuclear engineering is a slightly more specialized field of study than most undergraduate engineering majors, there was no shortage of opportunities on Purdue’s campus to pursue all of my interests. Having experience working in robotics research, sustainability organizations, and even policy research, I realized I would really like to make an effort to sharpen the skills that would allow me to be an effective leader on a multidisciplinary project team. I began to apply to jobs in fields where I could be deliberate about growing these skills, and, during my search, I came to learn about Purdue’s Master of Engineering Management program.

The program was perfectly aligned with my goals. The 2-year professional practice track allowed me to search for internships and co-ops with a greater sense of freedom and confidence in what I was looking for – I’ve already set up two systems engineering internships within my first semester. The courses I have taken at the Krannert School of Management gave me perspective on different functional aspects on the business side of things, which has helped me to envision how to be more effective in technical leadership. Coupling these courses with the material I’m learning in my engineering courses gives them added applicability to the real world and, to me, is what makes Purdue’s Master of Engineering Management graduate program truly a value-added option that has accelerated my career more than a traditional graduate program or entry-level position could have.