Dr. Bean Named IDES/MDE's 2020-21 Golden Squirrel Scholar

Event Date: March 15, 2021
Today, we would like to acknowledge the faculty who received the most “shout outs” for their efforts to provide a superior learning environment in engineering, and help our students develop into that “precisely right” Purple Squirrel!

First, purple squirrel? Multidisciplinary Engineering and Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies students identify with the icon of a purple squirrel. Purple squirrel is a term used by employment recruiters to describe a job candidate with precisely the right education, set of experience, and range of qualifications that perfectly fits a job's requirements.

Dr. Robert Bean
Photo: Dr. Mary Pilotte and Dr. Robert Bean in front of the Purdue University Reactor Number One, March 15, 2021

The Multidisciplinary Engineering and Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies undergraduate degree programs, led by Dr. Mary Pilotte and advised by Ms. Christine Pekny, developed an award to commemorate the superior student experience. Each year, seniors about to graduate have an opportunity to share their thoughts on the IDES/MDE program, the courses they take, and the faculty that make a difference along the way through their instruction and caring. We collect the data each fall, and in NON-Covid times host a "Thanks for Giving" luncheon around Thanksgiving time in the Nest (our homeroom located in the 1300 Suite of ARMS) with students and the faculty. Unable to do that this year while all socially distanced, we were pleased to finally get a chance to meet with Dr. Bean, who is this year's honoree as the "Golden Squirrel Scholar." 

Dr. Robert Bean is an Associate Professor in the School of Nuclear Engineering. He is the director of the Nuclear Engineering Radiation Laboratories and associate director of the Center for Radiological and Nuclear Security.

No accident that the award is a lovely black and gold can of #squirrelbrandnuts, since our students were just nuts about him! Thank you for all you do Dr. Bean, from your friends in IDES and MDE.

A full list of extraordinary faculty instructors mentioned include:

Cary Troy, CE34000

Charles Krousgrill, ME27400

Clark Corey, CGT

Jim Jones, ME27000

Jeff Rhoads, ME27400

Danny Milisavljevic, PHYS27200

Donatella Danielli, MA

Related: Meet Alumni Robert Bean and why Purdue to study engineering