Recent Events

October 26, 2023

2023 Purdue ENE Graduate Programs Open House

Purdue School of Engineering Education's Graduate Programs is hosting a two-day open house October 26-27, 2023, to bring together individuals from all walks of life, including undergraduate and graduate students from many disciplines as well as professional engineers ready to make a career change.
September 1, 2022

Navigating the Research Enterprise

This talk will provide an overview of what is (and is not) research misconduct. In the category of “not”, Dr. Mohler will discuss detrimental research practices, with a particular focus on authoring and mentorship.

April 7, 2022

Enhancing the Creativity of the STEM Professional Workforce by Transforming Education for Neurodiverse Learners

Every student deserves to thrive in an educational environment. The unjustified need for conformity in the current pre- and post-secondary education systems is causing significant damage to the mental health and self-efficacy of our non-traditional learners, specifically neurodiverse populations like those with ADHD, dyslexia, and autism, amongst others. Sadly, our education system follows the deficit-based paradigm used in the medical model, which stigmatizes neurodivergent learners and overlooks their unique potential for contributing to the technological advancement of the nation.
March 31, 2022

The Role of a Higher Education Association to Catalyze Institutional Transformation

Dr. Redd will discuss how APLU, a higher education association with a membership of 244 public research universities, helps catalyze institutional transformation. She will provide lessons learned from her different projects that focus on improving undergraduate STEM education, diversifying the professoriate, building networks and partnerships, advancing open science, and broadening what counts for impactful work by faculty and staff.
February 3, 2022

Successful Transition to the Academic Realm (STAR): A NSF Funded Journey

Our iUSE project is the culmination of several projects that we desired to bring to a larger university community. In Psychology, Project Knowledge (PK) was an intensive near-peer mentoring program that identified student academic skills and behaviors needed for academic success.
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