Coastal Engineering

CE 54300

Credit Hours:



Prof. Cary D. Troy

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the course, students will be able to: (1) Quantify key coastal processes related to waves, water levels, and sediment transport; (2) Apply coastal principles to preliminary designs of coastal protection measures and structures.


This course provides students with an introduction to the discipline of coastal engineering, with a strong focus on coastal processes (waves, water levels, and sediment transport) as well as applied design principles for shoreline protection measures and coastal structures.

Topics Covered:

Basic wave mechanics (wave descriptors, wave propagation, wave shoaling and refraction, and surf zone processes); water level fluctuations (storm surge, tides, and longer-timescale processes); breakwater design (armor stability, run-up, overtopping, transmission); sediment transport (wave- and current-caused); shoreline protection measures.


A first course in fluid mechanics or hydraulics.



Web Address:

Web Content:

Syllabus, grades, lecture notes, homework assignments, solutions and quizzes


Homework is assigned every 1-2 weeks; regular, short quizzes are also given.


Several design projects are assigned during the course, typically involving breakwaters, coastal structures, and/or shore protection measures.


3 exams are typically given for the course


Official textbook information is now listed in the Schedule of Classes. NOTE: Textbook information is subject to be changed at any time at the discretion of the faculty member. If you have questions or concerns please contact the academic department.

Tentative Textbook Listing:

Coastal Engineering: Processes, Theory, and Design Practice, 3rd Ed. (Reeve, Chadwick, and Fleming)

Computer Requirements:

Students need internet access, Microsoft Excel or Matlab, Microsoft Word (or similar), and access to Google Earth/Maps.