Ernest (Chip) Blatchley named President-Elect of IUVA

Ernest (Chip) Blatchley, Lee A. Rieth Professor in Environmental Engineering and Professor in Environmental and Ecological Engineering, has started a 2-year term as President-Elect of the International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA). This will be followed by a 2-year term as President.

Ernest (Chip) Blatchley, Lee A. Rieth Professor in Environmental Engineering and Professor in Environmental and Ecological Engineering, has started a 2-year term as President-Elect of the International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA). This will be followed by a 2-year term as President.

IUVA is a professional organization that focuses on UV radiation and its various applications, providing a forum for the discussion of all scientific and technological issues that relate to the use of ultraviolet radiation. The members of IUVA strive to make the use of Ultraviolet Technology a leading technology for public health and environmental applications.