Scholarships & Fellowships for Civil Engineering Students

A single application is used to apply for the undergraduate scholarships listed below, unless otherwise noted. Recipients are notified of their selection by late summer of each year. The actual scholarship dollars are applied to fees for the following academic year. Students must apply to enhance consideration for these awards. The application opens in early spring semester, with a due date in April of each year. Applications must be submitted electronically to the Undergraduate Office.

APPLICATION TO APPLY – Complete and submit the application on line.

  • ACPA Concrete Pavement and Materials Science Scholarship – One or more scholarships, based on academic merit, for students in the School of Civil Engineering. Must be junior, senior or graduate student with an interest in concrete pavement and materials science. Preference given to in-state students.

  • Greeley and Hansen Elmer F. Ballotti Memorial Fellowship – Given to graduate students pursuing studies leading toward a master's degree in environmental engineering.

  • Roger W. and Carol A. Bassett Scholarships for Civil Engineering – Given to junior or senior undergraduate(s), based on academic merit as defined by the School. Student must have an interest in pursuing a career in the field of fire protection engineering, demonstrated through internship, co-op, or other work experience; an undergraduate research project, student design project; and/or other activities as determined by the School.

  • Bechtel Group Foundation Scholarship in Civil Engineering – Merit scholarship given to provide part of the funding needed to support an undergraduate student with a Purdue University Trustees or Presidential scholarship.

  • John R. Blandford Memorial Award – Given to a graduate student who is pursuing a degree in environmental engineering.

  • Donald E. Bloodgood Memorial Award – Given to an outstanding undergraduate student majoring in environmental engineering. Selection is by faculty committee.

  • Rosemary K. Burke Outstanding Students – Given to a student member of Chi Epsilon who holds the highest cumulative grade point average among civil engineering students in the seventh semester of their program. Selection process is guided by the Chi Epsilon faculty advisor.

  • Robert K. Carter Scholarship – Given to an out-of-state undergraduate student in their junior year.

  • Cementitious Materials Research Award – Given annually to an undergraduate student from civil engineering in recognition of their independent scientific investigations that have led to the advancement of cement science and engineering. Selection is by faculty committee.

  • Cherry Family Scholarships – One or more merit-based undergraduate scholarships for domestic students, as defined by the University. Recipients must be in their junior or senior year, and have a minimum of 3.3GPA. Preference will be given to those doing a transportation engineering concentration.

  • Chevron – Given from funds received from the Chevron Corporation, and is granted as a one-time scholarship to recognize academic merit in an undergraduate student.

  • School of Civil Engineering Scholarship Fund – Given to undergraduate students based on merit.

  • Joseph P. Chu Fellowship Award – Given to a graduate student with scholarly potential and excellence who is pursuing an advanced degree in environmental engineering.

  • H.K. "Tony" Clark Awards – Given to reward scholarship performance of students entering the School of Civil Engineering from the First-Year Engineering program.

  • Edward J. Cox Memorial Transportation Scholarship – Given by the Indiana section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers to deserving students with an interest in the transportation profession.

  • Edward M. Curtis, Jr. and Anne Grado Scholarship in Civil Engineering – Merit scholarship given to provide part of the funding needed to support an undergraduate student with a Purdue University Trustees or Presidential scholarship.

  • Jacques W. Delleur Award – Given to a graduate student in the environmental area currently doing research on a topic related to hydraulics, hydromechanics, surface or ground water hydrology or water resources engineering.

  • Julie E. DePhillips Scholarship – Given to a sophomore, junior or senior in civil engineering concentrating in environmental with a preference given to a woman; merit based.

  • Clark Dietz Scholarship in Civil Engineering – Given to a junior or senior student based on merit, with special consideration given to those with a concentration in environmental or transportation.

  • William L. Dolch Graduate Fellowship – Given to a graduate student enrolled in civil engineering and pursuing an advanced degree in the field of materials.

  • William & Martha Dudley Scholarship – One or more undergraduate scholarships for in-state student, as defined by the University. Recipients will be chosen based on available revenue and the strategic enrollment needs of the School. Decided by the Office of the Dean of Engineering.

  • Dorothy Fay Dunn Scholarship – Given to undergraduate and/or graduate student(s) with an interest in municipal water facilities (environmental or hydraulic/hydrologic emphasis areas).

  • Charles A. Ellis Memorial Scholarship – Given, based on merit, to undergraduate and graduate student(s) studying the structures emphasis.

  • The Falk PLI Engineering & Surveying Scholarship – Given to a junior or senior in civil engineering who is pursuing a degree in land surveying engineering with good academic standing. A separate application is required.

  • R. G. "Mike" Flannery Scholarship – Given to civil engineering undergraduate students based on merit. Students must be Indiana residents.

  • O. M. and Virginia Foxworthy Scholarship – Given to undergraduate students in civil engineering or entering sophomores based on merit.

  • William and Mary Goetz Graduate Fellowship – Given to graduate students pursuing an advanced degree in the field of materials, with a preference for students interested in flexible (asphalt) pavements.

  • Martin J. Gutzwiller Memorial Scholarship – Given to seniors in structural engineering for superior performance and outstanding leadership.

  • Jack Haldrup Scholarship in Civil Engineering – Given, based on merit, to undergraduate student(s) in CE studying the construction emphasis and meeting the stated criteria.

  • Albert James Horth Memorial Scholarship – Given to undergraduate students with documented financial need and a minimum GPA of 3.0.

  • Darin P. Johnson Scholarship In Civil Engineering – Merit scholarship given to provide part of the funding needed to support an undergraduate student with a Purdue University Trustees or Presidential scholarship.

  • Matthew Edward Kern Environmental Engineering Scholarship/Fellowship – Given to a student who most demonstrates, through academic achievement and extracurricular and employment activities, a strong commitment to environmental engineering (especially to the conservation of our natural lakes and rivers and/or waste water treatment). A separate application is required.

  • James and Deborah Kirk Family Civil Engineering Scholarship Endowment - Given to in-state students in the Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering. Preference given to students who are juniors and studying in the specialty area of Structural Engineering.

  • Kleasen Civil Engineering Scholarship – Given to a junior or senior student(s). Preference given to those studying the architectural engineering concentration. Awarded based on academic merit.

  • Gerald and Beryl Leonards Fellowship – Given to a graduate student in geotechnical engineering with scholarly potential and excellence.

  • Bevan B. and Margaret W. Lewis Scholarship – Given to undergraduate students in civil engineering based primarily on documented financial need and secondarily, but not necessarily, on academic performance. Awarded by the Division of Financial Aid.

  • Edna C. and William Y. H. Ling Civil Engineering Scholarship – Given to undergraduate students in civil engineering based on academic excellence.

  • John G. McEntyre Endowment Scholarship – Given to students who are residents of Indiana with preference to juniors, then sophomores or freshman who are studying land surveying or geomatics. A separate application is required.

  • Richard S. McKee Scholarship in CE – Given to an undergraduate student who meets the stated GPA range and shows enthusiasm toward the field of civil engineering.

  • Charles E. Mergentime Engineering Scholarship – Given to undergraduates who are pursuing a degree in civil engineering or in civil and construction engineering management and who have an intention of pursuing a career in the heavy construction industry.

  • Robert D. and Margaret J. Miles CE Scholarship – Given to a junior or senior student in civil engineering.

  • Charles A. Miller CE Scholarship – Given to a graduate student and an undergraduate student based on academic merit. Graduate student must have concentration in asphalt mix design or asphalt pavement design.

  • Pierle Family Charitable Foundation Civil Engineering Scholarship – Given to a graduate or undergraduate student(s) in civil engineering who are pursuing a degree in environmental engineering with preference given to graduates of one of the following high schools: Jefferson High School, Lafayette, IN; Cathedral High School, Indianapolis, IN; St. Joseph's Academy, St. Louis, MO; or St. Louis University High School, St. Louis, MO.

  • Mamon M. and Cynthia R. Powers Engineering Scholarship – Awarded by merit, with preference to African-American students studying civil engineering.

  • John and Sharon Reynolds Civil Engineering Scholarship – Given to undergraduate students based on academic merit with preference to graduates of a Danville, Illinois High School or residents of Vermilion County in Illinois.

  • Jud and Betty Rouch Land Surveying Scholarship – Given to students pursuing a land surveying degree.

  • Dr. Gordon A. Shunk Scholarship for Civil Engineering – Merit scholarship given to provide part of the funding needed to support an undergraduate student with a Purdue University Trustees or Presidential scholarship. Preference given to those with an emphasis in transportation.

  • Darrell B. Sims Memorial Scholarship – Given to a junior and/or senior undergraduate student(s) in the School of Civil Engineering specializing in the area of geotechnical engineering.

  • Steele Foundation Company Scholarship – One or more undergraduate scholarships for domestic students, as defined by the University, with documented financial need. Recipients must be in the junior or senior year and have a strong geotechnical course sequence completed. Will be decided on merit, as determined by School.

  • Frank W. Stubbs, Jr. Memorial Scholarship – One or more undergraduate scholarships to recognize outstanding students pursuing a construction concentration.

  • Jo & Cliff Swanlund Civil Engineering Scholarship – Merit scholarship given to provide part of the funding needed to support an undergraduate student with a Purdue University Trustees or Presidential scholarship.

  • Mark & Laura Swatek Scholarship – One or more undergraduate scholarships for in-state students, as defined by the University, enrolled in the School of Civil Engineering. Decided by the Office of the Dean of Engineering.

  • Gerrit H. Toebes Memorial Award – Given to an undergraduate or graduate student on the basis of scholarship and leadership who is majoring in hydraulics and systems engineering. Decided by faculty committee.

  • Myrtle Ford Tompt Award – Given to a junior or senior with the highest cumulative index.

  • Wallace R. Vawter Memorial Scholarship – One or more scholarships for undergraduate students with documented financial need.

  • Joseph L. Waling Memorial Scholarship – Given to an undergraduate student in civil engineering based on documented financial need and with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Awarded by the Division of Financial Aid.

  • Roy E. and Myrna Wansik CE/Cary Quadrangle Scholarship – Given to junior or senior students with academic excellence who reside in Cary Quadrangle or to an employee or child of an employee of Cary Quadrangle.

  • Leonard and Margaret Wood Leadership Award – Given to encourage membership in the student chapter of Chi Epsilon and the funding of scholarships and fellowships for students actively engaged in Chi Epsilon activities. Selection process is guided by the Chi Epsilon faculty advisor.

  • Leonard E. Wood Scholarship – Given to undergraduate and graduate students intending to or currently studying in the asphalt and bituminous materials areas.

  • Leonard E. Wood Scholarship for Civil Engineering Cooperative Education – Given to an undergraduate student participating in the Co-Op program. Based on merit and documented financial need.

  • Professor Ron Wukasch Environmental Engineering Scholarship – Given to a student in civil engineering who is pursuing a graduate degree in environmental engineering.

  • Pai Tao Yeh Scholarship – Given to one or more undergraduate students enrolled in civil engineering with preference to Chinese (international) undergraduate students with financial need.

  • Eldon J. Yoder Memorial Award – Given to an outstanding undergraduate and/or graduate student majoring in the transportation engineering area.

If you would like more information on establishing a scholarship or a fellowship,
contact Eric Putman, Chief Development Officer, at (765) 494-2236,

At Purdue University, the selection of academic school and other University department scholarships are reviewed on an individual basis. This individual attention allows the scholarship selection committees to take a holistic approach in the evaluation of the student when reviewing and selecting scholarship recipients.