CE 59700 – Geographic Information Systems

Credits and contact hours:

  • 3 credits
  • Lecture meets 3 times per week for 50 minutes per meeting for 15 weeks

Specific course information:

  • Catalog description: Theories and methodologies of geographic information systems, including: maps and map making; geospatial data; datums and map projections; topology and its representation; geo database and its design; geo statistics; primary GIS development; applications in social and environmental, and engineering.
  • Prerequisites: Senior or graduate status or under the discretion of the instructor; preferably GIS knowledge or an introductory GIS course or training courses; College calculus or equivalent
  • Course status: Elective breadth course for undergraduate students

Specific Goals for the course:

  • Student learning outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course the student shall be able to:
    • comprehend knowledge of geographic data
    • integrate data collected from different sources
    • conduct GIS mapping, analysis and visualization tasks independently
    • design and implement GIS database
    • develop basic GIS functions
  •  Relationship of course to program outcomes
    • Outcome 6: An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.


  • GIS concepts, maps & mapping, data classification
  • datum, projection, coordinate system
  • Vector data model, topology, map digitization
  • Raster data model, raster algebra
  • National and open geospatial data
  • Geodatabase
  • Terrain analysis. Watershed, Viewshed, Hillshading
  • Network analysis
  • Geosocial data analysis
  • Spatial analysis
  • Geostatistics