CE 59100 – Advanced Structural Steel Design
Credits and contact hours:
- 3 credits
- Lecture meets 3 times per week for 50 minutes per meeting for 15 weeks
Specific course information:
- Catalog description: Design and behavior of plate girders; design of composite beam and column members; behavior and design of bolted and welded connections, including moment-resistant connections, seated connections, and gusset-plate connections.
- Prerequisites:
- Course status:
Specific Goals for the course:
Student learning outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course the student shall be able to:
- analyze and design plate girders for various limit states affective flexural strength, shear strength, local and global stability
- design composite beams for various limit states while accounting for partial and full composite action, flexural strength, and stiffness.
- design composite columns for various limit states including steel yielding, concrete compression failure, column stability.
- design simple and eccentric shear connections
- design moment connections, and members for concentrated forces
Relationship of course to program outcomes
- Outcome 1: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
Plate Girders for Buildings and Bridges
- Introduction to parameters and elements of plate girders
- Materials and combinations
- Limit state of local buckling
- Limit state of lateral buckling
- Limit state of shear buckling
- Flexural strength
- Shear strength
- Design of stiffeners
- Design Examples
- Applications
Composite Members for Buildings and Bridges
- Introduction to parameters and elements of composite members
- Materials and shear connectors
- Elastic behavior
- Shear connectors and slip
- Full vs. partial composite action
- Inelastic behavior
- Flexural strength
- Design of shear connectors
- Stiffness and deflection
- Design Examples and applications
Connections in Steel Structures
- Review of fasteners: Bolts and welds
- Behavior and classification of connection
- Simple shear connections: shear tab, single angle, double angle
- Eccentric connections: Bolted with shear only, shear + tension
- Eccentric connection: Welded with shear only, shear + tension
- Moment connections: Welded and bolted options
- Design for concentrated forces
- End Plate connections
- Design Examples and applications