CE 53000 – Properties and Production of Concrete

Credits and contact hours:

  • 3 credits
  • Lecture that meets 2 times per week for 75 minutes per meeting for 15 weeks

Specific course information:

  • Catalog description: Basic properties of hydraulic cements and mineral aggregates and their interactions in concrete. Properties of plastic and hardened concrete. Modifications through admixtures. Production, handling, and placement problems. Specifications; quality control and acceptance testing; lightweight, heavyweight, and other special concretes. A one-day field trip is required.
  • Prerequisites
  • Course status: Elective course

Specific Goals for the course:

  • Student learning outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course the student shall be able to:
    • Learn the course’s topics (see “Topics”), acquiring a general vision of one of the most important construction materials in civil engineering: Concrete.
    • Communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
    • Identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems related to concrete evaluation.
    • Find autonomously the right sources to learn more about a topic, summarize and analyze the current information, discuss the current knowledge and find the gaps.
  •  Relationship of course to program outcomes
    • Outcome 1: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
    • Outcome 3: An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audience
    • Outcome 4: An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgements which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental and societal contexts.


  • Introduction to concrete: Aggregates, cement and water.
  • Supplementary cementitious materials and additives
  • Mechanical properties of concrete (fresh properties and hardened properties)
  • Curing: the importance of temperature and humidity
  • Introduction of non-destructive testing
  • Maturity method
  • Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity and Rebound hammer
  • Durability of concrete
  • Special concretes
  • Introduction to mixture proportioning
  • Mixture proportion of special concretes
  • Batching, mixing, transporting and handling concrete.
  • Concrete production
  • Cold weather concreting and hot weather concreting
  • Quality control
  • Specifications vs guidelines
  • Concrete and sustainability
  • Future of concrete
  • Lab I: Find your course project topic and how to find the information
  • Lab II: Elevator pitch – Oral presentation of your course project topic. How to sell your idea?
  • Lab III: Oral presentation of preliminary results and practice of giving feedback of oral presentation. How to improve your presentation?
  • Lab IV: Work in groups. Review the project of your peers and give them feedback of written projects. How to improve your written project?
  • Lab V: Oral presentations. Practice of formal presentation.
  • Visit from the industry: from the theory to the field. Fall 2018: Visit of the Quality Control Manager of a Concrete Company, and visit of the American Concrete Pavement Association Executive Director (Indiana Chapter) along with the quality control administrator of a contractor company with more than 50 years of experience.