CE 47900 – Design of Building Components and Systems

Credits and contact hours:

  • 3 credits
  • Lecture that meets 2 times per week for 75 minutes per meeting for 15 weeks

Specific course information:

  • Catalog description: Design of simple floor and roof systems, load-bearing walls, diaphragms, and shear walls, fundamentals of design of wood and wood composite members, timber beams, trusses, columns, and mechanical connections, metal form decking, steel joists, masonry beams, pilasters, load-bearing walls, and shear walls). Typically offered in Fall semester.
  • Prerequisites: CE 473 is a co-requisite for CE 47900
  • Course status: Structural design elective

Specific Goals for the course:

  • Student learning outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course the student shall be able to:
    • Interpret architectural and structural drawings for a building.
    • Emphasize the importance of how load flows through a structure.
    • Develop an understanding of the unique material aspects of wood and wood-based components.
    • Develop a technical competence in single member wood design procedures.
    • Develop a technical understanding of wood and steel roof and floor deck system design procedures (diaphragms).
    • Develop a basic design experience with light gauge - cold formed members in bending and axial load.
    • Develop knowledge of the engineering properties of materials for masonry construction.
    • Develop a technical understanding of the structural behavior of load-bearing unreinforced and reinforced masonry walls subjected to gravity and lateral (shear walls) loads, and reinforced masonry beams and pilasters under gravity loads.
    • Have guest lecturers present information on wood behavior, curtain wall design, masonry behavior, and review of a design project using multiple materials
  •  Relationship of course to program outcomes
    • Outcome 1: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
    • Outcome 6: An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.


  • Load Paths
    • Gravity load path in structures
    • Lateral load path in structures
  • Wood
    • Physical properties
    • Mechanical properties
    • Flexural design using LRFD design rules
    • Shear design
    • Axial load design
    • Composite wood member design
  • Panels and Diaphragms
    • Shear panels and shear walls
    • Floor diaphragms
  • Bar joists
    • Steel bar joists
    • SJI manufactured joint products
    • CJI manufactured joist-girder
  • Cold-Formed Steel
    • Steel decking
    • Flexural design
    • Light gauge/cold formed members
    • Floor framing
    • Flexural design
    • Bearing wall design
  • Masonry
    • Masonry wall
    • Unreinforced/reinforced flexural design
    • Masonry beams
    • Reinforced flexural design
    • Masonry bearing walls and pilasters
    • Masonry shear walls