CE 44000 – Urban Hydraulics
Credits and contact hours:
- 3 credits
- Lecture that meets 3 times per week for 50 minutes per meeting for 15 weeks
Specific course information:
- Catalog description: Sources and distribution of water in urban environment, including surface reservoir requirements, utilization of groundwater, and distribution systems. Analysis of sewer systems and drainage courses for the disposal of both wastewater and storm water. Pumps and lift stations. Urban planning and storm drainage practice.
- Prerequisites: CE 34000 or equivalent with minimum Grade of C-
- Course status: Required course
Specific Goals for the course:
Student learning outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course the student shall be able to:
- analyze and design simple water distribution networks
- select and size pumps for application in simple water distribution systems
- calculate waste water flows
- analyze and design small sanitary sewer systems
- calculate runoff using rational method and SCS curve number methods
- calculate storm water flows
- analyze and design simple storm sewer systems
Relationship of course to program outcomes
- Outcome 1: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
- Outcome 5: An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
- Types of flow, energy and momentum equations
- Flow in closed pipes, pipe sizes, design/selection of pipes, pipe network analysis, use of PIPE software.
- Introduction to pump analysis, classification of pumps, multiple pumps, pump design and selection.
- Flow in open channels, hydrostatic pressure distribution, Manning’s law, sewers flowing partly full, gradually varied flow.
- Drainage systems, wastewater sources and flowrates, sanitary sewer design, use of SEWERCAD software for design.
RAINFALL (LTAP Stormwater Drainage Manual)
- Precipitation processes, spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall, precipitation data and analysis.
RUNOFF ESTIMATION (LTAP Stormwater Drainage Manual)
- Factors affecting runoff, rational method, NRCS Curve Number Method, hydrographs.
STORM SEWER SYSTEM DESIGN (LTAP Stormwater Drainage Manual)
- Sizing of storm sewers.
STORMWATER STORAGE (LTAP Stormwater Drainage Manual)
- Storage facilities, computing storage volumes
RESERVOIR ROUTING (if time permits)
- Routing process and hydrologic routing, Reservoir routing by Puls Method.