CE 35000 – Introduction to Environmental and Ecological Engineering

This course is cross listed between Civil Engineering (CE) and Environmental and Ecological Engineering (EEE)

Credits and contact hours:

  • 3 credits
  • Lecture that meets 3 times per week for 50 minutes per meeting for 15 weeks

Specific course information:

  • Catalog description: Introduction to water pollution, air pollution, noise, hazardous and solid wastes, and their control. Environmental impact statements and global pollution issues. Field trips required.
  • Prerequisites: (Undergraduate level MA 16200 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level MA 16600 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level MA 17300 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level MA 22200 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level MA 22400 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level MA 16020 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level MA 16400Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level MA 16900 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level MA 18100 Minimum Grade of D-) and (Undergraduate level CHM 11200 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level CHM 11600 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level CHM 13600 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level CHM 12600 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level CHM 12400 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level CHM 12901 Minimum Grade of D- or (Undergraduate level CHM C1060 Minimum Grade of D- and Undergraduate level CHM C1260 Minimum Grade of D-) or (Undergraduate level CHEM C1020 Minimum Grade of D- and Undergraduate level CHEM C1220 Minimum Grade of D-) ) and (Undergraduate level ENGR 16200 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level PHYS 17200 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level PHYS 22000 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level PHYS 15200 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level PHYS 23300 Minimum Grade of D-)
  • Course status: Elective course

Specific Goals for the course:

  • Student learning outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course the student shall be able to:
    • Apply material balance tools to environmental systems.
    • Describe the different types of air, soil, and water pollutants and how they affect environmental quality on a local or global scale.
    • Explain the principles of water, wastewater, air, solid, and hazardous waste treatment processes.
    • Describe the professional and ethical responsibility of engineers in the context of environmental management.
    • Describe key roles and responsibilities of public institutions and private organizations in managing environmental resources.
  •  Relationship of course to program outcomes
    • Outcome 1: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
    • Outcome 4: An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.


  • Introduction and Overview Sustainable Design, Engineering, and Innovation
  • Chemistry
  • Physical processes
  • Biology
  • Water: Quantity and Quality
  • Water Treatment
  • Wastewater and Stormwater: Collection, Treatment, Resource Recovery
  • Solid Waste Management
  • Air Quality Engineering