Konstantina (Nadia) Gkritza
Professor of Civil Engineering and Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Purdue University
Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering
550 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051
Office: HAMP G167B
Phone: (765) 494-4597
Curriculum Vitae
Specialty Area(s)
Ph.D., Purdue, 2006
M.S.C.E., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2003
Diploma in C.E., National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 2001
Research Interests
Transportation planning, economics and modeling; transportation energy and sustainability; highway safety; transportation electrification
Selected Research Projects
- Feasibility Study and Design of On-Road Electric Vehicle Charging Technologies, INDOT/JTRP, 2018-2020
- Public Acceptance and Socio-Economic Analysis of Shared Autonomous Vehicles: Implications for Policy and Planning, USDOT/CCAT, 2018-2019
- Feasibility Analysis of Electric Roadways Through Localized Traffic, Cost, Adoption and Environmental Impact Modeling, US DOE ARPA-E, 2017-2019
- AVs’ Impacts on Energy Demand and GHG Emissions, USDOT/CCAT, 2017-2019
- Evaluating opportunities to enhance the Hoosier State Train ridership through a survey of riders' opinions and an assessment of access to the line, INDOT/JTRP, 2016-2018
- Economic Benefits of Corridor Improvements, INDOT/JTRP, 2014-2017
- Synthesis Study: Best Practices for Maximizing Driver Attention to Work Zone Warning Signs (End of Queue Warning Devices), INDOT/JTRP, 2014-2016
- Heated Airport Pavements-Task 1A Energy and Financial Viability, FAA, 2013-2016
- 21st Century National Energy and Transportation Infrastructures for Balancing Environmental Impacts, Costs, and Resiliency (NETSCORE-21), National Science Foundation EFRI-RESIN, 2008-2013
Teaching Activity
CE 361 - Introduction to Transportation Engineering
CE 561 - Transportation Systems Evaluation
CE 614 - Statistical And Econometric Methods I
Honors & Awards
2018 - Purdue Policy Research Institute Fellow, 2018-2019
2017 - College of Engineering Faculty of Excellence Award in Leadership, Purdue University
2017 - Greek Diaspora Fellow, Institute of International Education, Stavros Niarchos Foundation, and Fulbright Foundation in Greece
2017 - Best Reviewer Award, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology
2016 - Outstanding Engineering Graduate Student Mentor, Lyles School of Civil Engineering
2016 - Jane F. Garvey/UMass ITE Transportation Leadership Award
2014 - National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering Education Symposium Attendee
2013 - Early Career Engineering Faculty Research Award, College of Engineering, Iowa State University
2012 - Engineering Student Council Outstanding Club Advisor Award, College of Engineering, Iowa State University
2011 - Schafer Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service, Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, Iowa State University
2008 - American Society of Civil Engineers ExCEEd Fellow
2007 - C.V. Wootan Memorial Award for Outstanding PhD Dissertation in Policy and Planning, Council of University Transportation Centers
Selected Publications
- Rentziou, A., Gkritza, K., and Souleyrette, R., "VMT, Energy Consumption, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Forecasting for Passenger Transportation," Transportation Research Part A, 46(3), 487-500 (2012).
- Lavrenz, S., and Gkritza, K., "Environmental and Energy Impacts of Automated Electric Highway Systems," Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 17 (2), 221-232 (2013).
- Shaheed, M., Zhang, W., Gkritza, K., and Hans, Z., "A Mixed Logit Analysis of Two-Vehicle Crash Severities Involving a Motorcycle," Accident Analysis and Prevention, Special Issue on Emerging Research Methods and their Application to Road Safety, 61, 119-128 (2013).
- Mudgal, A., Hallmark, S., Carriquiry, A., Gkritza, K., "Driving Behavior at a Roundabout: A Hierarchical Bayesian Regression Analysis, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment", 26: 20-26 (2014).
- Gkritza, K., Souleyrette, R., Baird, M., and Danielson, B., "An Empirical Bayes Approach for Estimating Urban Deer Vehicle Crashes Using Police and Maintenance Records," ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 140 (2), 04013002 (2014).
- Gopalakrishnan, K., and Gkritza, K., "Forecasting Transportation Infrastructure Impacts of Renewable Energy Industry Using Neural Networks," Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 19(Supplement 1): S157-S175 (2014).
- Ibanez, E., Krishnan, V., Lavrenz, S., Mejia, D., Gkritza, K., McCalley, J., and Somani, A., "Resilience and Robustness in Long-term Planning of the National Energy and Transportation System," International Journal of Critical Infrastructures (in press).
- Li, W., Gkritza, K., Albrecht, C., "The Culture of Distracted Driving: Evidence from a Public Opinion Survey in Iowa," Transportation Research Part F 27: 337-347 (2014).
- Troutner, T.J., Gkritza, K., "Impacts of Extended Interstate Closures to Regional Freight Logistics: Case Study of 2011 Interstate 29 Closure," Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 2410: 113-122 (2014).
- Shaheed, M., Gkritza, K., "A Latent Class Analysis of Single-Vehicle Motorcycle Crash Severity Outcomes. Analytic Methods in Accident Research," 2: 30-38 (2014).
- Cerwick, D., Gkritza, K., Shaheed, M., Hans, Z., "A Comparison of the Latent Class and Mixed Logit Methods by Crash Data," Analytic Methods in Accident Research 3-4: 11-27 (2014).
- Lavrenz, S.M., Pyrialakou, V.D., Gkritza, K., "Modeling Driver Behavior in Dilemma Zones: A Discrete/Continuous Formulation with Selectivity Bias Corrections," Analytic Methods in Accident Research 3-4: 44-55 (2014).
- Krishnan, V., Kastrouni, E., Pyrialakou, V.D., Gkritza, K., McCalley, J.D., "An Optimization Model of U.S. Energy and Transportation Systems: Assessing the Impact of High-Speed Rail on Passenger Transportation Investment," Transportation Research Part C, 54: 131-156 (2015).
- Shaheed, M., Marshall, D., Gkritza, K., "Simulated Drivers' Experience on Detecting Motorcycles during Daylight," Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board Volume 2520: 143-150 (2015).
- Kastrouni, E., Gkritza, K., Hallmark, S.L., Stephenson, W.R., "Fuel Tax Versus. Vehicle-Miles Traveled Fee: Identifying Vulnerable Households via a Three-Stage Least Squares Analysis," Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board Volume 2531: 161-169 (2015).
- Pyrialakou, V.D., Gkritza, K., Fricker, J., "Accessibility, Mobility, and Realized Travel Behavior: Assessing Rural Disadvantage from a Policy Perspective," Journal of Transport Geography, 51:251-169 (2016).
- Shaheed, M., Gkritza, K., Carriquiry, A., Hallmark, S.L., "Analysis of Occupant Injury Severity in Winter Weather Crashes: A Fully Bayesian Multivariate Approach," Analytic Methods in Accident Research 11: 33-47 (2016).
- Bektas, B.A., Gkritza, K., Smadi, O., "Pavement Marking Retroreflectivity and Crash Frequency: Segmentation, Imputation and Line Type Effects" ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering (accepted), DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000863.
- Shaheed, M., K. Gkritza, A. Carriquiry, and S.L. Hallmark, "Analysis of Occupant Injury Severity in Winter Weather Crashes: A Fully Bayesian Multivariate Approach," Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 11, 33-47 (2016).
- Pyrialakou, V.D., Heidi A. Diefes-Dux, and K. Gkritza, "Exploring the Use of the TRB Research Needs Statement Database in an Introductory Transportation Course", Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 2614, 10-17 (2017).
- Chacon-Hurtado, D., E. Bardaka, R. Yang, K. Gkritza, and J. Fricker, "Tools for the Wider Economic Impact Assessment of Corridor Improvements: Lesson Learned from the FHWA Implementation Assistance Program in Indiana," ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems, 143(5): 05017001, (2017).
- Saeed, T.U., Y. Qiao, S. Chen, K. Gkritza, and S. Labi, "Methodology for Probabilistic Modeling of Bridge Component Condition: Accounting for Improvement Action Effectiveness and Incorporating Random Effects", ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 23(4), (2017).
- Chacon-Hurtado, D., V.D. Pyrialakou, and K. Gkritza, "Investigating the Spatial Distribution of Manufacturing Employment: An Indiana Case Study", Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 2606, 122-129 (2017).
- Lavrenz, S., E. Vlahogianni, K. Gkritza, and Y. Ke "Time Series Modeling in Traffic Safety Research," Accident Analysis and Prevention, 117: 368-380 (2018).
- Chacon-Hurtado, D., K. Gkritza, J. Fricker, and D. Yu, "Exploring the Role of Worker Income and Workplace Characteristics on the Journey to Work," International Journal of Sustainable Transportation International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2018.1490466 (2018).
- Ke, Y., and K. Gkritza, "Safety Ramifications of a Change in Pedestrian Crosswalk Law: A Case Study of Oregon, USA," International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijtst.2018.07.004 (2018).
- Ke, Y., and K. Gkritza, "Income and Spatial Distributional Effects of a Congestion Tax", Transport Policy, 71, 28-35 (2018).
- Losada Rojas, L.L, C. Gkartzonikas, V.D. Pyrialakou, and K. Gkritza, "Exploring Intercity Passengers' Attitudes and Loyalty to Intercity Passenger Rail: Evidence From An On-Board Survey," Transport Policy 73: 71-83 (2019).