Panagiota Karava
Professor of Civil Engineering
Purdue University
Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering
550 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051
Office: HAMP G167A
Phone: (765) 494-4573
Specialty Area(s)
Ph.D., Concordia University, 2008
M.A.Sc., Concordia University, 2002
B.Sc., National Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2000
Research Interests
- Smart buildings, intelligent building operation, system identification, model predictive control
- Human-building interactions, personalized control, self-tuned environments
- Smart and connected energy-aware residential communities
- Energy efficient and mixed-mode buildings, innovative energy and comfort delivery systems
- Solar technology integration in building operation
Selected Research Projects
- A smart user-interactive system for optimal indoor environment and HVAC control of commercial buildings, 2019, funding source: Center for High Performance Buildings.
- SCC-IRG Track 1: Sociotechnical Systems to Enable Smart and Connected Energy-Aware Residential Communities, 2018-2021, funding source: National Science Foundation.
- Affordable Net Zero Housing and Transportation Solutions, 2017-2020, funding source: Purdue Discovery Park (Big Ideas Challenge program).
- Demonstration of self-tuned indoor environments and integration in smart building operation, 2018, funding source: Center for High Performance Buildings.
- CyberSEES: Type 2: Human-centered systems for cyber-enabled sustainable buildings, 2015-2019, funding source: National Science Foundation.
- CPS: Synergy: Plug-and-play cyber-physical systems to enable intelligent buildings, 2014-2017, funding source: National Science Foundation.
- Development of self-tuned indoor environments, 2016-2017, funding source: Center for High Performance Buildings.
- Interface design for thermal and visual preferences in office buildings, 2015, funding source: Lutron Electronics.
- A model-based framework for integration of smart operating strategies in the design of net zero energy buildings, 2013-2016, funding source: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) - New Investigator Award.
- Integration of humans and their environment in building design and operation including advanced technologies, 2013-2015, funding source: Alcoa Foundation.
- Energy Efficient Buildings Hub, 2011-2014, funding source: US Department of Energy.
- Development of advanced controls for mixed-mode cooling, 2011-2013, funding source: Kawneer North America.
Teaching Activity
CE311: Architectural Engineering (Spring 2010-2014)
CE597: Sustainable Buildings Design, Construction & Operation of (Fall 2010, 2012-2014)
CE697: Airflow Modeling in the Built Environment (Fall 2011)
Honors & Awards
- Roy E. & Myrna G. Wansik Research Excellence Award, School of Civil Engineering, 2014.
- New Investigator Award, American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), 2013.
- Seed for Success Acorn Award, Purdue University, 2011, 2012.
- University Faculty Award, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, 2008.
Student Awards
- ASHRAE Grant-in-Aid Fellowship, "Classification and inference of occupant thermal preferences in office buildings using a Bayesian approach," 2017 (Seungjae Lee).
- ASHRAE Grant-in-Aid Fellowship, "System identification and optimal control of intelligent high performance buildings with agent-based approach," 2015 (Jaewan Joe).
- Chorafas Foundation Award, PhD dissertation: "Modeling of photovoltaic-thermal systems with transpired solar collectors integrated in building operation simulation," 2014 (Siwei Li).
- Best student paper award, 3rd High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, 2014 (Amir Seyed Sadeghi).
- Best student paper award, 2nd High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, 2012 (Jianjun Hu).
- International Building Performance Association Student Travel Award, 2013 (Jianjun Hu).
Selected Publications
- Lee S., Karava P., Tzempelikos A., Bilionis I., 2019. Inference of thermal preference profiles for personalized thermal environments with actual building occupants. Building and Environment 148, 714-729.
- Sadeghi, S.A., Lee, S., Karava, P., Bilionis, I., Tzempelikos, A., 2018. Bayesian classification and inference of occupant visual preferences in daylit perimeter private offices. Energy and Buildings 166, 505-524.
- Liu, X., Paritosh P., Awalgaonkar, N., Bilionis, I., Karava. P. 2018. Model predictive control under forecast uncertainty for optimal operation of buildings with integrated solar systems. Solar Energy 171, 953-970.
- Joe, J., Karava, P., Hou, X., Xiao, Y., Hu J., 2018. A distributed approach to model-predictive control of radiant comfort delivery systems in office spaces with localized thermal environments. Energy and Buildings 175, 173-188.
- Lee S., Bilionis I., Karava P., Tzempelikos A., 2017. A Bayesian approach for probabilistic classification and inference of occupant thermal preferences in office buildings. Building and Environment 118, 323-343.
- Joe, J., Karava, P. 2017. Agent-Based System Identification for Control-Oriented Building Models. Journal of Building Performance Simulation 10 (2), 183-204.
- Sadeghi, S.A., Awalgaonkar, N.M., Karava, P., Bilionis, I., 2017. A Bayesian modeling approach of human interactions with shading and electric lighting systems in private offices. Energy and Buildings 134, 185-201.
- Sadeghi, S.A., Karava, P., Konstantzos, I., Tzempelikos, A., 2016. Occupant interactions with shading and lighting systems using different control interfaces: A pilot field study. Building and Environment 97, 177-195.
- Li, S., Joe J., Hu, J., Karava, P., 2015. System identification and model-predictive control of office buildings with integrated photovoltaic-thermal collectors, radiant floor heating and active thermal storage. Solar Energy 113, 139-157.
- Hu, J., Karava, P., 2014. A state-space modeling approach and multi-level optimization algorithm for predictive control of multi-zone buildings with mixed-mode cooling. Building and Environment 80, 259-273.
- Hu, J., Karava, P., 2014. Model predictive control strategies for buildings with mixed-mode cooling. Building and Environment 71, 233-244.
- Li, S., Karava, P., Currie, S., Lin, W. E., Savory, E., 2014. Energy modeling of photovoltaic thermal Systems with corrugated unglazed transpired solar collectors - part 1: model development and validation. Solar Energy 102, 282-296.
- Li, S., Karava, P., 2014. Energy modeling of photovoltaic thermal systems with corrugated unglazed transpired solar collectors - part 2: performance analysis. Solar Energy 102, 297-307.
- Li, S., Karava, P., Savory, E., Lin, W. E., 2013. Airflow and thermal analysis of flat and corrugated unglazed transpired solar collectors. Solar Energy 91, 297-315.
- Karava, P., Jubayer, C., Savory, E., 2011. Numerical modeling of forced convective heat transfer from the inclined windward roof of an isolated low-rise building with application to photovoltaic/thermal systems. Applied Thermal Engineering 31, 1950-1963.
- Karava, P., Athienitis, A.K., Stathopoulos, T., Mouriki, E., 2012. Experimental study of the thermal performance of a large institutional building with mixed-mode cooling and hybrid ventilation. Building and Environment 57, 313-326.
- Karava, P., Stathopoulos, T., Athienitis, A.K., 2011. Airflow assessment in cross-ventilated buildings with operable facade elements. Building and Environment 46 (1), 266-279.