Yiheng Feng
Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering and Assistant Director of the Center for Road Safety (CRS)
Purdue University
Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering
550 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051
Office: HAMP G131
Phone: (765) 496-5025
Specialty Area(s)
Ph.D., University of Arizona, 2015
M.S., University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 2011
M.E., Zhejiang University, 2007
B.E., Zhejiang University, 2005
Research Interests
My main research directions are developing innovative modeling techniques, control strategies, and evaluation methods with a focus on the interactions between smart transportation infrastructure and connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) for the next generation transportation system.
My research interests include:
- Traffic control with CAVs
- CAV trajectory planning and control
- Transportation infrastructure cyber-security
- CAV testing and evaluation
Selected Publications
- Feng, S., Feng, Y., Yan, X., Shen, S., Xu, S., and Liu, H.X., Safety Assessment of Highly Automated Driving Systems in Test Tracks: A New Framework. 2020. Accident Analysis and Prevention. V144. p. 105664.
- Feng, S., Feng, Y., Sun, H., Bao, S., Zhang, Y., and Liu, H.X., Testing Scenario Library Generation for Connected and Automated Vehicles, Part II: Case Studies. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2020. doi: 10.1109/TITS.2020.2988309.
- Feng, S., Feng, Y., Yu, C., Zhang, Y., and Liu, H.X., Testing Scenario Library Generation for Connected and Automated Vehicles, Part I: Methodology. 2020. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2020. doi: 10.1109/TITS.2020.2988309.
- Yu, C., Feng, Y., Liu, H.X., Ma W., and Yang X., Corridor Level Cooperative Trajectory Optimization with Connected and Automated Vehicles. 2019. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. V105, 405-421.
- Yu, C., Feng, Y., Liu, H.X., Ma W., and Yang X., 2018. Lane-based integrated optimization of traffic signals and vehicle trajectories at isolated urban intersections. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. V112, 89-112.
- Chen, Q., Yin, Y., Feng, Y., Mao, Z.M., and Liu H.X.. Exposing Congestion Attack on Emerging Connected Vehicle based Traffic Signal Control. Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2018.
- Feng, Y., Yu, C., Xu, S., Liu H.X., and Peng, H.. An Augmented Reality Environment for Connected and Automated Vehicle Testing and Evaluation. The 29th IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, Changshu China, 2018.
- Feng, Y., Yu, C., Liu, H.X., 2018. Spatiotemporal Intersection Control in a Connected and Automated Vehicle Environment. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. V89, 364-383.
- Feng, Y., Zheng J., and Liu, H.X.. 2018. A Real-time Detector-free Adaptive Signal Control with Low Penetration of Connected Vehicles. Transportation Research Record. Vol. 2672(18) 35-44.
- Feng, Y., Huang, S., Chen, Q.A., Liu, H.X., and Mao, Z.M.. 2018. Vulnerability of Traffic Control System Under Cyber-Attacks Using Falsified Data. Transportation Research Record. Vol. 2672(1) 1-11.
- Feng, Y., Head, K.L., Khoshmagham, S.., Zamanipour, M. 2015. A Real-time Adaptive Signal Control in a Connected Vehicle Environment. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. V55, 460-473. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
- Feng, Y., Hourdos, J., Davis, G.A., 2014. Probe vehicle based real-time traffic monitoring on urban roadways. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. V40, 160-178.
For the complete list of my publication, please see my Google Scholar page: