Andrew P. Tarko
Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of Center for Road Safety (CRS)
Purdue University
Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering
550 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051
Office: HAMP G175B
Phone: (765) 494-5027
Specialty Area(s)
Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1994
Ph.D., Cracow University of Technology, 1993
M.S.C.E., Cracow University of Technology, 1981
Research Interests
Road safety measurement, modeling, and management; surrogate measures of safety, highway design and evaluation, traffic operations
Selected Research Projects
- Using Emerging and Extraordinary Data Sources as Means to Improve Traffic Safety (JTRP, 2018-2020)
- Developing a Process and Tools for Quality Control of Crash Data (2018-2020, INDOT)
- Identification of Safety Problems on County Roads: Methods and Tools for Local Agencies (2018-2019, LTAP)
- Analysis of Indiana Observational Data of Seatbelts Use and Traffic Safety Research with CODES Data (2017-2018, NHTSA/ICJI)
- Improving and Applying the SNIP Tool to Screening the Indiana Road Network (2017-2018, INDOT)
- System-wide Safety and Mobility Effects of Changing Speed Limits on Indiana Freeways, 2016-2019, JTRP)
- Building, Evaluating, and Improving LiDAR-based Traffic Scanner Prototypes for Implementation to INDOT Practice (2016-2019, JTRP)
- Systemic Safety Countermeasures Decision Guide and Updating the Indiana Crash Reduction Factors (2015-2017, JTRP)
- Guaranteed LiDAR-aided Multi-object Tracking at Road Intersections (2014-2015, NEXTRANS)
- Performance of Alternative Diamond Interchange Forms (2014-2016, JTRP)
- Stationary LiDAR for Traffic and Safety Applications - Vehicles Interpretation and Tracking (2012-2013, NEXTRANS)
- Upgrading RoadHAT - Collision Diagram Builder and HSM Elements (2012-2014, JTRP)
- In-service Performance Assessment of Road Barriers in Indiana (2012-2014, JTRP)
- Performance Assessment Measure That Indicates Geometry Sufficiency of State Highways (2011-2013, JTRP)
- A Systematic Approach of Identifying Safety Intervention Programs for Indiana, (2011-2013, JTRP)
- Best Practices for INDOT-Funded Work-zone Police Patrols (2010-2012, JTRP)
- 2011 Indiana TACT - Evaluation of the Program Effectiveness (2010-2011, FMCSA/ISP)
- GIS-based Safety Management for Indiana - Five-percent Report (2010-2011, INDOT)
- CODES - Linking Hospital Data with Police Crash Records (2008-2013, NHTSA/IDHS)
- TACT Project - Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks (2009-2010, FMCSA/ISP)
- Analysis and Methods of Improvement of Safety at High-Speed Rural Intersections (2008-2010, JTRP)
Teaching Activity
CE463 Highway Operation Characteristics
CE562 Geometric Design of Highways
CE597T Highway Traffic and Safety Analyses
Selected Publications
- Zhu, M., X. Wang, A. P. Tarko, S. Fang (2018). Modeling Car-following Behavior on Urban Expressways in Shanghai: A Naturalistic Driving Study. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 93, pp. 425-445.
- Hou, Q., A.P. Tarko, X. Meng (2018). Investigating Factors of Crash Frequency with Random Effects and Random Parameters Models: New Insights from Chinese Freeway Study. Accident, Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 120, pp. 1-12.
- Sultana, M.A, A.P. Tarko, M Romero (2018). Evaluating the Operational Footprint of Alternative Diamond Interchanges. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, Vol. 144(9), 04018043.
- Tarko, A. (2018). Estimating the Expected Number of Crashes with Traffic Conflicts and the Lomax Distribution - A Theoretical and Numerical Exploration, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 113, pp. 63-73.
- Yaotian Zou, Andrew P. Tarko (2018). Barrier-Relevant Crash Modification Factors and Average Costs of Crashes on Arterial Roads in Indiana. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 111, pp. 71-85.
- Qinzhong Hou, Andrew P. Tarko, Xianghai Meng (2018). Analyzing Crash Frequency in Freeway Tunnels: A Correlated Random Parameters Approach. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 111, pp. 94-100.
- Thomas, H. A. Tarko and M. Romero (2016). Rollover Propensity of Heavy Vehicles at Roundabouts. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2585, pp. 39-48.
- Zou, Y. and A.P. Tarko (2016). An Insight into the Performance of Road Barriers - Redistribution of Barrier-Relevant Crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 96, November 2016, pp. 152-161.
- Tarko, A., T. Hall, M. Romero and C. Lizarazo Jimenez (2016). Evaluating the Rollover Propensity of Trucks - A Roundabout Example. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 91, June 2016, pp. 127-134.
- Wang, X., T. Wang, P.J. Tremont, A. Tarko (2015). The Influence of Combined Alignments on Lateral Acceleration on Mountainous Freeways: A Driving Simulator Study, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 76, March 2015, pp. 110-117.
- Camacho-Torregrosa, F.J., A.M. Perez-Zuriaga, J.M. Campoy-Ungria, A. Garcia, and A.P. Tarko. (2015). Use of Heading Direction for Recreating the Horizontal Alignment of an Existing Road. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Volume 30, 282-299.
- Zou, Y. and A. Tarko, E. Chen, M.A. Romero (2014). Effectiveness of Cable Barriers, Guardrails, and Concrete Barrier Walls in Reducing the Risk of Injury, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 72, pp. 55-65.
- Cheng, E. and A. Tarko (2014). Modeling Safety of Highway Work Zones with Random Parameters and Random Effects Models. Analytic Methods in Accident Research. Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2014, pp. 86-95.
- Tarko, A., L. Boyle, A. Montella (2013). Emerging Research Methods and Their Application to Road Safety. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 61, 2013, pp. 1-2.
- Xu, C., A. Tarko, W. Wang, and P. Liu. (2013). Predicting Freeway Crash Likelihood and Severity with Real-time Loop Detector Data, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 57, pp. 30-39.