Joseph V. Sinfield
Professor of Civil Engineering and Director, Institute for Innovation Science
Purdue University
Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering
550 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051
Office: HAMP G231
Phone: (765) 496-2742
Specialty Area(s)
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997
M.S.C.E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994
B.S.C.E., Bucknell University, 1992
Research Interests
- Sensing in civil and geoenvironmental engineering:
- Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy for geoenvironmental sensing
- Understanding nitrogen cycle inefficiencies in the soil and water environment using in-situ sensing techniques
- Assessing biodegradation potential and progress for monitored natural attenuation of chlorinated solvents in groundwater
- Economic and technical benefits of real-time rolling resistance measurement for haul road vehicles
- Prevention of sensor bio-fouling during in-situ freshwater analyses
- Examination of subsurface pavement drainage conduits using GPR
- Assessment of high molecular weight organic compounds by LED-induced fluorescence
- Pore fluid engineering for liquefaction remediation
- Innovation and business management:
- Managing the inherent uncertainty of developing new innovations and encouraging their adoption
- Evaluation of case-based teaching methods as a means to develop entrepreneurial skills and mindset among engineering students
- Company level liquidity assessment and financial decision making for construction contractors
- Strategic development of high-performance teams in large-scale construction projects
- Developing a process to manage identify, prioritize, and adopt new technologies in departments of transportation
- Business model innovation
Selected Research Projects
- National Science Foundation - Geoenvironmental Influences on Raman Spectroscopic Monitoring of Chlorinated Solvents (PI) - January 2010 - December 2011
- National Science Foundation - Engineering the Pore Fluid of Sands with Highly Plastic Nanoparticles for Liquefaction Prevention (co-PI with A. Bobet, M. Santagata, C. Johnston) - August 2009 - July 2011
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, MIT Sea Grant Program - Enabling high- and low-molecular weight AUV-based chemical analysis: Complementing mass spectrometry with multichannel time-resolved fluorometry aboard the NEREUS/Odyssey vehicle (co-PI with H. Hemond [MIT]) - February 2009 - January 2011
- Joint Transportation Research Program (INDOT/FHWA) - Non-destructive Evaluation of the Condition of Subsurface Drainage in Pavements Using GPR (PI) - January 2010 - December 2011
- Joint Transportation Research Program (INDOT/FHWA) - Refine Process to Identify, Evaluate, and Adopt New Technologies and Identify New Proven Technologies for Indiana (PI) - January 2008 - August 2010
- Purdue Engineer of 2020 Curriculum Development Grant - Seeking "The Innovator's DNA" in Engineering Students (with D. Beaudoin and J. Jones) - Summer 2010
- Purdue Engineer of 2020 Curriculum Development Grant - Incorporating Entrepreneurial Lessons from the Kentlands Development Case into CE51200 - The Comprehensive Urban Planning Process (with J. Fricker) - Summer 2010
Teaching Activity
CE597U/A: Introduction to Instrumentation and Sensor Design
CE597B: Entrepreneurship and Business Strategy in Engineering
CE521: Construction Business Management
CE221: Construction Estimates and Plans
CE399: Oral and Written Communications for Civil Engineers
Honors & Awards
2010 National Academy of Engineering-U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Invitee
2009 3M Innovation Influencer
2009 Keynote - Headstrong Innovation Forum (Tokyo, Japan)
2008 Keynote - Utility Executives Leadership Institute (Santa Fe, NM)
2007 Keynote - Utility Executives Leadership Institute (Pinehurst, NC)
2006 Keynote - Business Innovation Factory (Providence, RI)
2006 Keynote - Lab Products Association (Baltimore, MD)
2005 Keynote - Near Field Communication Forum (Dallas, TX)
Selected Publications
- Sinfield, J.V., Fagerman, D., and Colic, O., "Evaluation of Sensing Technologies for On-the-Go Detection of Macro-Nutrients in Cultivated Soils," Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, v, 70, n. 1, 1-18, 2010.
- Sinfield, J.V., Colic, O., Fagerman, D., and Monwuba, C., "A Low-cost Time-resolved Raman Spectroscopic Sensing System Enabling Fluorescence Suppression," Applied Spectroscopy, v. 63, n. 2, 201-210, 2010.
- Sinfield, J.V., Hemond, H.F., Germaine, J.T., Johnson, B., and Bloch, B., "Contaminant Detection, Identification, and Quantification Using a Microchip Laser Fluorescence Sensor," ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, v.133, n. 3, 346-351, 2007.
- Dunston, P.S., Sinfield, J.V., Lee, T.Y., "Technology Development Decision Economics for Real-time Rolling Resistance Monitoring of Haul Roads," ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, v. 133, n. 5, 393-402, 2007.
- Anthony, S.D., Johnson, M.W., Sinfield, J.V., "Institutionalizing Innovation," Sloan Management Review, v. 49, n. 2, 45-50, Winter 2008.
- Anthony, S.D., Johnson, M.W., Sinfield, J.V., Altman, E.J., The Innovator's Guide to Growth - Putting Disruptive Innovation to Work, Harvard Business Press, 2008, 299 p. (translated into Japanese (October 2008), Mandarin (December 2008), and Polish (March 2010)).