Maria Caterina C. Santagata
Professor of Civil Engineering
Purdue University
Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering
550 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051
Office: HAMP G229
Phone: (765) 494-0697
Specialty Area(s)
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
B.S., University of Ancona
Research Interests
Experimental soil mechanics, soil behavior, soil improvement.
Selected Research Projects
- Building on Collapsible Soils, JTRP (2007-2008)
- Classification of Organic Soils, JTRP (2005-2006)
- Soil Treatment with Thixotropic Fluids: An Autoadaptive Design for Liquefaction Prevention (Phase II), NSF (2004-2007)
- Rheometrical Techniques for the Characterization of Clay-Based Suspensions Relevant to Geotechnical Engineering, NSF (2003-2004)
- Recycling of Landfilled Cement Kiln Dust (CKD) in Highway Infrastructures, Lehigh Cement Company/Indiana Department of Commerce (2003-2005)
- Mitigating the Expansive Behavior of Chemically Treated Soils, JTRP (2002-2005)
Teaching Activity
CE 383 Geotechnical Engineering I
CE 580 Advanced Geotechnical Engineering
CE 681 Soil Properties
Honors & Awards
Edmund M. Burke Outstanding Professor Award from Chi Epsilon (Civil Engineering Honor Society), 2006.
Ross Judson Buck '07 Memorial Award for Undergraduate Counseling, 2006.
Finalist National Science Foundation Visualization Challenge (with D. Geier and D. Sherman), 2005 .
Harold Munson Award for outstanding teacher in the School of Civil Engineering, 2004.
Fellowship from the Italian National Research Council (CNR) for one year of study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1991-1992
Selected Publications
- Bobet, A., Lee, H.S., and Santagata, M.C., (2007), "Pullout capacity of a stiff inclusion in a saturated poroelastic matrix", International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, in press (available on line).
- Santagata, M.C., and Kang, Y.I., (2007), "Geologic time effects on the initial stiffness of clays", Journal of Engineering Geology 89 (1-2), 98-111.
- Santagata, M.C., Germaine, J.T., and Ladd, C.C., (2007), "Small strain non-linearity of normally consolidated clays", to appear in February 2007 issue of ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 133 (1), 72-82.
- Sreekrishnavilasam, A., Rahardja, S., Kmetz, R., and Santagata, M.C., (2007), "Soil treatment using fresh and landfilled cement kiln dust", Construction and Building Materials, 21(2) 318-327.
- Santagata, M.C., Sinfield, J.V., and Germaine, J.T., (2006), "Laboratory simulation of field sampling: comparison with ideal sampling and field data", Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 132 (3), 351-362.
- Sreekrishnavilasam, A., King, S., Santagata, M.C., (2006), "Characterization of fresh and landfilled cement kiln dust for reuse in construction applications", Journal of Engineering Geology 85 (1-2), 163-173.