Monica Prezzi
Professor of Civil Engineering
Purdue University
Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering
550 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051
Office: HAMP G245
Phone: (765) 494-5034
Specialty Area(s)
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1995
M.S., University of California Berkeley, 1995
M.Eng., UFRGS, Brazil, 1990
B.S., UFRGS, Brazil, 1986
Research Interests
Foundation Engineering, Ground Engineering, Recyclable Materials, Soil Behavior and Durability of Materials.
Selected Research Projects
- A Novel Method of Analysis of Single Piles and Pile Groups Subjected to Lateral Loads, JTRP (2007-2009)
- Development of a Constitutive Model for Tire Shreds Mixed with Bottom Ash, Korea Railroad Research Institute (2006-2007)
- Geotechnical Design Based on CPT and PMT, JTRP (2006-2009)
- Use of Dynamic Cone Penetration and Clegg Hammer Tests for Quality Control of Roadway Construction, JTRP (2006-2008)
- Use of BOF Steel Slag in Subgrade Applications, Multiserv and JTRP (2006-2007)
- Design and Applications of Drilled Displacement (Screw) Piles, JTRP (2006-2008)
Teaching Activity
CE 297 Basic Mechanics - Statics
CE 483 Geotechnical Engineering II
CE 584 Foundation Analysis and Design
CE 697C Ground Engineering
CE 683 Advanced Foundation Engineering
Honors & Awards
DFI Young Professor Paper Award: "Overview of construction and design of auger cast-in-place and drilled displacement piles", 30th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations, Chicago, IL, September 2005.
Carlson-Polivka Award 1993 and 1995.
Selected Publications
- Kim, B., and Prezzi, M., (2007), "Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of Ash", Waste Management, in press.
- Carraro, A. and Prezzi, M. (2007), "A New Slurry-Based Method of Preparation of Specimens of Sands Containing Fines", Geotechnical Testing Journal, in press.
- Murthy, T., Loukidis, D., Carraro, A., Prezzi, M., and Salgado, R., (2007), "Undrained Monotonic Response of Clean and Silty Sands", Geotechnique, in press.
- Salgado, R., and Prezzi, M., (2007), "Computation of Cavity Expansion Pressure and Penetration Resistance in Sands", ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, in press.
- Lee, K., Prezzi, M., and Kim, N., (2007), "Subgrade Design Parameters from Samples Prepared with Different Compaction Methods", Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, in press.
- Kim, B., and Prezzi, M., (2007), "Compaction Characteristics and Corrosivity of Fly and Bottom Ash Mixtures", Construction and Building Materials Journal, in press.