Loring F. Nies
Professor of Civil Engineering and Environmental and Ecological Engineering
Purdue University
Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering
550 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051
Office: HAMP 3145C
Phone: (765) 494-8327
Specialty Area(s)
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1993
M.S.E., University of Michigan, 1989
B.S.C.E., Michigan State University, 1987
B.A., Michigan State University, 1982
Research Interests
Aerobic and anaerobic biotransformation for organic pollutants, microbially-mediated reductive dehalogenation, in-situ bioremediation, molecular techniques for assessing bioremediation.
Selected Research Projects
- NSF, Biotransformation Potential of Commercial Model Fluorotelomers in Soils, 2006-2009.
- NASA, Minimizing Equivalent System Mass For A Regenerative Life-Support System By Optimizing Kinetics, 2005-2007.
- NSF, Response of Aquatic and Terrestrial Microorganisms to Carbon-Based Manufactured Nanoparticles, 2004-2008.
- EPA, Long-term Economical Treatment and Management of PCBs in Soils & Sediments: Laboratory Studies, 2003-2005.
- NSF, Molecular Genetic Characterization of Contaminated Environments as a Tool for the Assessment of Remediation Technology, 2003-2006.
- EPA, In Situ Sediment Remediation with Zero Valent Iron, 2002-2004.
Teaching Activity
CE 352 - Biological Principles of Environmental Engineering
CE 497E - Engineering Environmental Sustainability
CE 555/AGRY 582 - Microbial Degradation of Pollutants
CE 597D - Global Sustainable Engineering
Honors & Awards
Ross Judson Buck Outstanding Counselor in School of Civil Engineering, 2003.
Who's Who Among America's Teachers, 1998.
Selected Publications
- Tong, Z., Bischoff, M., Nies, L.F., Applegate, B., and Turco, R.F. 2007. Impact of Fullerene (C60) on a soil microbial community, Environmental Science and Technolog (Accepted).
- Rochon, G.L., Nies, L.F., Jafvert, C.T., Stuart, J.A., Mohtar, R.H., Quansah, J., and Martin, A. 2006. Education in sustainable production in US universities, Clean Technol. Environ. Policy. 8:38-48.
- Ahn, M.-Y., Filley, T.R., Jafvert, C.T., Nies, L.F., Hua, I., and Bezares-Cruz, J. 2006. Photodegradation of Decabromodiphenyl Ether Adsorbed onto Clay Minerals, Metal oxides and Sediment. Environmental Science and Technology. 40:215-220.
- Nyman, M.C., Harden, J., Nies, L.F., and Blatchley III, E.R. 2004. Biodegradation of 3,3-Dichlorobenzidine in Freshwater Sediments. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science. 3:89-95.
- Mesarch, M., Nakatsu, C.H., and Nies, L.F. 2004. Bench-Scale and Field-Scale Evaluation of Catechol 2,3-Dioxygenase Specific Primers for Monitoring Bioremediation. Water Research. 38:1281-1288.
- Baldwin, B.R., Nakatsu, C.H., and Nies, L.F. 2003. Detection and Enumeration of Aromatic Oxygenase Genes by Multiplex and Real-time PCR. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 69:3350-3358.