Dennis A. Lyn
Professor of Civil Engineering
Purdue University
Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering
550 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051
Office: HAMP 1101C
Phone: (765) 494-9615
Specialty Area(s)
Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, 1986
MS., University of Toronto, 1981
BS., University of Toronto, 1980
Research Interests
Experimental fluid mechanics computational fluid mechanics, turbulent flows, sediment, transport, environmental fluid mechanics.
Selected Research Projects
- "A truck-mounted scour-monitoring system", Federal Highway Adm./Joint Transp. Research Proj., 2005-2007
- "Factors contributing to the accumulation of debris at bridge piers", Federal Highway Adm./Joint Transp. Research Proj., 2003-2005
- "Modeling of UV disinfection systems", Water Environment Research Foundation, 2000-2004
- "Effectiveness of Debris Deflectors", Federal Highway Adm./Joint Transp. Research Proj., 2000-2003
- "Scour Monitoring of Bridge Piers in Indiana", Federal Highway Adm./Joint Transp. Research Proj., 2000-2002
- "Hydrodynamic Mixing Effects on Micro- and Macro- Emulsification...", US Environmental Protection Agency, 1998-1999
Teaching Activity
CE 340 - Hydraulics
CE 343 - Elementary Hydraulics Laboratory
CE 344 - Drainage Design Laboratory
CE 498 - Senior Design
CE 540 - Open Channel Flow
CE 697 - Advanced Topics in Open Channel Flow
Selected Publications
- Lyn, D.A., and Blatchley III, E.R., (2005). "CFD-based models of ultraviolet disinfection channels", ASCE J. Environmental Engineering, vol. 131, no. 6, June, 2005, pp. 838-849
- Lyn, D.A., (2004). "Steady and unsteady simulations of turbulent flow and transport in ultraviolet disinfection channels", ASCE J. Hydraulic Engineering, 130, no. 8, August, pp. 762-770.
- Lyn, D.A., and Altinakar, M., (2002). "The St-Venant-Exner equations for near-critical and trans-critical flows", ASCE J. Hydraulic Engineering, 128, no. 6, pp. 579-587.
- Lyn, D.A., (2000). "Regression residuals and mean profiles in uniform open-channel flows", ASCE J. Hydraulic Engineering, 126, no. 1, pp. 24-32.
- Chiu, K.P., Lyn, D.A., Savoye, P., and Blatchley III, E.R., (1999). "Effect of UV system modifications on disinfection performance", ASCE J. Environmental Engineering, 125, no. 5, pp. 459-469.
- Keskar, J., and Lyn, D.A., (1999). "Computations of laminar incompressible backward-facing step flow at Re = 800 with a spectral domain decomposition method", International J. for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 29 (4), Feb. 28, pp. 411-427.