Robert B. Jacko
Professor of Civil Engineering
Purdue University
Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering
550 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051
Office: HAMP 1101B
Phone: (765) 494-2199
Specialty Area(s)
Ph.D., Purdue University, 1972
M.S.M.E., Marquette University, 1968
B.S.M.E., Milwaukee School of Engineering, 1963
A.A.S., Milwaukee School of Engineering, 1960
Research Interests
Air pollution management and control, transportation noise problems, environmental occupational safety and health.
Selected Research Projects
- Joint Transportation Research Project, "Applicability of Borman Decision Tree/ITS Management Tool to Other Expressway Systems", 2005
- Joint Transportation Research Project, ITS Strategies for Minimization of Fine Particulates, 2004
- Joint Transportation Research Project, "Blind Pedestrians and Their Ability to Navigate Indiana Intersections-A Review of the Technology Available for Audible Signs", 2004
- Joint Transportation Research Project, "Continuation of Research to Determine the Effectiveness of ITS on Borman Expressway Air Quality", 2002
- National Science Foundation, "Pharmaceutical Powder Unipolar Ion Dust Control System", 2000
- National Science Foundation, "The Effect of Pharmaceutical Powder Chargeability on Blend Uniformity", 2000
Teaching Activity
CE 457 - Design of Air Pollution Control Hardware
CE 498 - CE Senior Design
CE 557 - Air Quality Management/Modeling
CE 658 - Advanced Air Pollution Control and Design
Honors & Awards
- Lyman A. Ripperton Award, Air and Waste Management Association, 2004
- Nominee, Lyman A. Ripperton Award, Air and Waste Management Association, 2003
- Recognition of 25 Years of Membership, Air and Waste Management Association, Toronto, Canada, 1997
- School of Civil Engineering Best Teacher Award, 1995
- Nominee, A.A. Potter Best Teacher Award, College of Engineering, Purdue, 1995.
- Recognition of 25 Years of Membership, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1994
- In Appreciation for Dedicated and Distinguished Service to the Division of IDE, Interdisciplinary Engineering Division, 1992
Selected Publications
- Bereznicki, S.D., Heber, A.J., Jacko, R.B., (2012), "Odor and Odorous Chemical Emissions From Dairy And Swine Facilities: Part 1 Project Overview and Collection Methods and Quality Control," in review with the Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Foley, T., Betterton, E.A., Jacko, R.B., John Hillery (2011) "Lake Michigan Air Quality: The 1994--2003 LADCO Aircraft Project (LAP)," submitted to Atmospheric Environment.
- Soliman, A.S.M. and Jacko, R.B. (2008) "A Quantitative Approach to the Traffic Air Quality Problem: The Traffic Air Quality Index," The Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association.
- Thomas, S. and Jacko, R.B. (2007). "Model for Forecasting Expressway Fine Particulate Matter and Carbon Monoxide Concentration: Application of Regression and Neural Network," The Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 2006.
- Thomas, S., Bullock, D. and Jacko, R.B. (2007) "Model for Estimating Mobile Emissions During Expressway Incidents", The Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association.
- Ramirez-Dorronsoro, J-C., Jacko, R.B. and Kildsig, D.O. (2007). "Chargeability Measurements of Selected Pharmaceutical Dry Powders to Assess Their Electrostatic Charge Control Capabilities." AAPS PharmSciTech, 7(4): Article 103.
- Soliman, A.S.M., Jacko, R.B., Palmer, G.M., (2006) "Development of an Empirical Model to Estimate Real-World Fine Particulate Matter Emission Factors: The Traffic-Air-Quality Model". The Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, volume 56, 1540-1549.
- Soliman, A.S.M. and Jacko, R.B. (2005). "Development of an Empirical Model to Estimate Real-World PM2.5 Emission Factors; The Traffic-Air-Quality Model", The Journal of the Air and Waste management Association.
- Yang, K.J., Jacko, R.B. and Sun, Wen-Yih (2005). "Regional Climate-Chemistry Model Simulations of Troposheric Ozone- Part I: Model Formulation and Evaluation". Atmospheric Environment.