Inez Hua
Professor of Civil Engineering and Environmental and Ecological Engineering
Purdue University
Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering
550 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051
Office: HAMP 2127
Phone: (765) 494-2409
Specialty Area(s)
Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
M.S., California Institute of Technology
B.A., University of California, Berkeley
Research Interests
Water treatment, fate and transport of chemical contaminants, inorganic and organic environmental chemistry, groundwater and soil remediation, sustainability, and industrial ecology.
Selected Research Projects
- "Testing Chemical Oxidation for Destruction of Organic Compounds," Eli Lilly, 2006, (I. Hua P.I., P.S.C. Rao co-P.l.).
- "An Investigation of Life-Cycle and Policy Aspects of Brominated Flame Retardants," NSF, 2005-2008, (I. Hua, PI).
- "Innovative Remediation Technology Implementation Plan for the Crawfordsvillle ROW Site," 2005-2007, INDOT, (JTRP), (I.Hua, P.I.).
- "Ecotoxicology of Brominated Flame Retardants in Great Lakes Biota:, U.S. EPA", 2005-2007, Great Lakes National Program Office.
- "Innovative Remediation Technology Implementation Plan for the Crawfordsville INDOT ROW Site," 2005-2007, INDOT (JTRP), (I. Hua, P.I.).
- "Improved Detection and Remediation of NBC/CBRN/TIC/TIM Contaminants in Potable Water," 2005-2006, Advanced Concepts and Technologies, International.
- "Photochemical Fate of Manufactured Carbon Nanomaterials in the Aquatic Environment," U.S. EPA, 2007-2008, C. Jafvert (lead PI), I. Hua (co-PI).
Teaching Activity
CE296, 396, 496 - Engineering Projects in Communities (EPICS)
CE353 & 353L - Physico-Chemical Principles of Environmental Engineering
CE597Q/IE590Q - Sustainable Design (through CEE)
CE597S - Soil and Groundwater Remediation
CE597V/IE590G - Sustainable Design
Honors & Awards
NASA/ASEE Faculty Fellow (2003, 2004)
NASA/ASEE Faculty Fellow (2003)
Engineering Foundation Travel Fellowship (1997)
Pacific Telesis Foundation Grant: Haagen-Smit/Tyler Fellowship (1990-91)
Selected Publications
- Ahn*, M.-Y.; Filley, T.R.; Jafvert, C.T.; Nies, L.F.; Hua, I.; "Birnessite Mediated Debromination of Decabromodiphenyl Ether", Chemosphere 64(11), 1801-1807, 2006.
- Kang*, N., Hua, I., Xiao, C., "Impacts of Sonochemical Process Variables on Number Average Molecular Weight Reduction of Asphaltene", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 45(15), pp. 5239-5245, 2006.
- Ahn, M.-Y.; Filley, T.R.; Jafvert, C.T.; Nies, L.F.; Hua, I.; Bezares-Cruz, J., "Photodegradation of Decabromodiphenyl Ether Adsorbed onto Clay Minerals", Metal Oxides, and Sediment, Environ. Sci. Technol. 40(1), pp. 215-220, 2006.
- Zhai, X., Hua, I., Rao, P.S.C., Lee, L.S., "Co-solvent Enhanced Chemical Oxidation of Perchloroethylene by Potassium Permanganate", Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 82(1-2), pp. 61-74, 2006.
- Kang, N., Hua, I., Rao, P.S.C., "Enhanced Fenton's Destruction of Non-aqueous Phase Perchloroethylene in Soil Systems", accepted for publication in Chemosphere (available on-line November 30, 2005).