Antonio Bobet
Edgar B. and Hedwig M. Olson Professor in Civil Engineering
Purdue University
Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering
550 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051
Office: HAMP G239
Phone: (765) 494-5033
Specialty Area(s)
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997
M.S., Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, 1983
B.S., Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Research Interests
Engineering geology, underground construction, rock mechanics, fracture mechanics.
Selected Research Projects
- Polymer-MFT Interactions: From surface chemistry to rheology (Co-PI). COSIA: Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance, (2014-2016).
- Propagation of Frictional Fractures under Complex Loading (PI). National Science Foundation, (2012-2017).
- Correlation between Resilience Modulus (MR) of Soil, Light Weight Deflectometer, and Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) (PI). Joint Transportation Research Program. (INDOT-FHWA), (2013-2017).
- Seismic behavior of deep tunnels under undrained seismic loading. COLCIENCIAS, Colombia, (2013-2017).
- International Cooperation Grant (Co-PI). Tongji University, Shanghai, China, (2016-2019).
- Seismic Stabilization of the Gatun Dam in the Panama Canal. Panama Canal Authority (2016-2018).
- Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure: Network Coordination Office (Co-PI). National Science Foundation, (2016-2021).
Teaching Activity
CE 298 Basic Mechanics II
CE 498 Senior Design
CE 591C Introduction to Boundary-Element Methods in Geodynamics
CE 697D Engineering Geology
CE 697G Rock Mechanics
CE 697U Underground Construction
Honors & Awards
- Guerra y Rubio Prize, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 1983
- Roy E. and Myrna Wansik Research Award, Purdue University, 2005
- ASCE Ralph B. Peck Award, 2011
- National Award, SENACYT Panama, 2012
- ARMA Applied Research Award, 2012
- Member of the Geotechnical Advisory Board of the Panama Canal, 2012
- President of ARMA, 2013-2015
- ARMA Fellow, 2016
- High-end Foreign Expert, People's Republic of China, 2016
Selected Publications
- Yu, H., Chen, J., Bobet, A., and Yuan, Y. (2016). Damage observation and assessment of the Longxi tunnel at a faulted zone crossing. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 54, pp. 102-116.
- Bobet, A. and Yu, H. (2016). Full Stress and Displacement Fields for Steel-Lined Deep Pressure Tunnels in Transversely Anisotropic Rock. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 56, pp. 125-135.
- Ma, J., Tang, H., Hu, X., Bobet, A., Zhang, M., Zhu, T., Song, Y., and Ez Eldin, M.A.M. (2016). Identification of Causal Factors for the Majiagou Landslide using Modern Data Mining Methods. Landslides, DOI:10.1007/s10346-016-0693-7.
- Bobet, A. (2016). Lined Circular Tunnels in Transversely Anisotropic Rock at Depth: Complementary Solutions. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Vol. 49, No. 9, pp. 3817-3822.
- Yan, X., Yuan, J., Yu, H., Bobet, A., and Yuan, Y. (2016). Multi-point Shaking Table Test Design for Long Tunnels under Non-uniform Seismic Loading. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 59, pp. 114-126.
- Santagata, M., Ochoa-Cornejo, F., Bobet, A., Johnston, C.T., and Sinfield, J.V. (2016). Cyclic behavior and pore pressure generation in sands with laponite, a superplastic nanoparticle. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 88, pp. 265-279.
- Bobet, A. (2016). Deep Tunnel In Transversely Anisotropic Rock with Groundwater Flow. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s00603-016-1118-6.