Faculty Research Projects/Publications

Structural Engineering


    Recent Peer Reviewed Publications
  • Sherman, R.J., Collins, W.C., Connor, R.J., "Large-scale Axially Loaded Fracture Experiments of High-Toughness Steel", Journal of Bridge Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, June, 2020, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE) BE.1943-5592.0001609.
  • Campbell, L.E., Whitehead, J., Washer, G.W., Connor, R.J., "A Benchmark for Evaluating Performance in Visual Inspection of Fatigue Cracking in Steel Bridges", Journal of Bridge Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001507
  • Campbell, L.E., Connor, R.J., Whitehead, J., Washer, G.W., "Human Factors Affecting Visual Inspection of Fatigue Cracking in Steel Bridges", Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Sep. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1080/15732479.2020.1813783
  • Washer, G.W., Hammed, M.M., Jensen, P., Connor R.J., "Quality of Element-Level Bridge Inspection Data", Journal of the Transportation Research Record, Washington, DC, vol. 2674, 2: pp. 252-261, February, 2020
  • Sattar, D., Campbell, E., Maguire, M., Connor, R.J., "Benchmarking UAS-Assisted Inspection of Steel Bridges for Fatigue Cracks", Journal of the Transportation Research Record, Washington, DC, http://worldcat.org/issn/03611981, January, 2021.
  • Lloyd, J.B., Bonachera, Martin F. J., Korkmaz, C., Ph.D.; Robert J. Connor "Internal Redundancy of Mechanically Fastened Built-up Steel Axially Loaded Multicomponent Members", Journal of Bridge Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 26, Issue 7, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001743, May 2021.
  • Schroeder, C.J., Connor, R.J., Crowley B.M., Washer G.A., "Acoustic Properties of Steel Bridge Base Metals, Journal of Research in Nondestructive Evaluation", Nov, 2021, DOI: 10.1080/09349847.2021.1999544.
  • Ocampo J. A., Collicott, S. H., Connor R.J., "Vortex Shedding Lock-in on Tapered Poles with Polygonal Cross-section", Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 12, No. 2, June 2022 DOI: 10.4236/ojfd.2022.122007.
  • Bonachera Martin, F.J., Connor, R.J., "Load Combinations for the Evaluation of Redundancy in Steel Bridges", Journal of the Transportation Research Record, Washington, DC, Jan, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F03611981211062162
  • Korkmaz, C., Connor, R.J., "Obliquely Loaded Welded Attachments Fatigue Categorization in Steel Bridges", Engineering Journal, American Institute of Steel Construction, Vol. 59, pp. 225-237, 3rd Quarter 2022.
  • Korkmaz, C., Connor, R.J., Zhichao, L., Varma, A.H., Modeling of Shear Studs for Composite Bridges with Haunches, DOI: 10.14359/51734797 ACI Structural and Materials Journal, November 2022, pp 129-140.
  • Tarasoa, A., Kanakamedala, D. Varma, A. H., Seo, J, Connor, R.J., "Assessment of Innovative Repair Methods for Corroded Steel Girder Bridges Using the House of Quality Matrix", Journal of the Transportation Research Record, Washington, DC, Jan, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1177/036119812311758
  • Lloyd, J.B., Bonachera, Martin F. J., Korkmaz, C., Ph.D.; Robert J. Connor, "Internal Redundancy of Mechanically Fastened Built-Up Steel Axially Loaded Two-Channel Members", Engineering Journal, American Institute of Steel Construction Vol. 60, pp. 197-223, 4th Quarter 2023.
  • Reichenbach M.C.; White J.B.; Park, S.; Helwig T.A.; Engelhardt, M.D.; Connor, R.J.; Grubb, M.A.; "A Parametric Investigation of Load-Induced Cross-Frame Force Effects in Composite Steel I-Girder Bridges"; Volume 28, Issue 12, https://doi.org/10.1061/JBENF2.BEENG-6402.
  • Alharthi, A, Washer, G, Connor, R.J., "Framework for Integrating the Reliability of the Inspection Technique into Risk-Based Inspection Practice", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, ISSN: 0361-1981, https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981231225217
    Recent NCHRP Reports
  • Dexter, R.J., Connor, R.J., and Kaczinski, M.R., "Fatigue Design of Modular Bridge Expansion Joints", NCHRP Report 402, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), Washington, DC, January, 1998.
  • Dexter, R.J., Connor, R.J., Mahmoud, H.N., "Inspection and Management of Bridges with Fracture-Critical Members", National Cooperative Highway Research Program, NCHRP Synthesis Report 354, National Academy Press, Washington D.C., to be published in 2005.
  • Connor, R.J., Urban, M.R., Kaufmann, E.J., "Heat-Straightening Repair of Damaged Steel Bridge Girders - Fatigue and Fracture Performance", NCHRP Report 604, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), Washington, DC, January, 2008.
  • Connor, R.J., Liu, J., Higgins, C., "Bridge Deck Design Criteria and Testing Procedures - Final Report for NCHRP Project, 10-72", National Cooperative Highway Research Program National Academies, Washington, DC, July, 2012.
  • Connor, R.J., Collicott, S.H., DeSchepper, A.M., Sherman, R.J., and Ocampo, J.A., "Development of Fatigue Loading and Design Methodology for High-Mast Light Poles", NCHRP Report 718, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), Washington, DC, 2012.
  • Washer, G., Connor* R. J., Ciolko, A., Kogler, R., Fish, P., Forsyth, D., "Proposed Guideline for Reliability-Based Bridge Inspection Practices -Final Report for NCHRP Project, 10-82 - NCHRP Report 782", National Cooperative Highway Research Program National Academies, Washington, DC, 2014.
  • Lloyd, J., Connor R. J., "Maintenance Actions to Address Fatigue Cracking in Steel Bridge Structures", NCHRP Final Project Report 20-07 Task 387, National Cooperative Highway Research Program National Academies, Washington, DC, June, 2017.
  • Connor, R.J., Bonachera Martin, F.J., A.H. Varma, Lai, Z., Korkmaz, C., "Fracture-critical System Analysis for Steel Bridges", Final Report for NCHRP Report 883, National Cooperative Highway Research Program National Academies, Washington, DC, August, 2018.
  • Connor R. J., Schroeder, C.J., Washer G.A., Crowley, M., Fish P.E. "Acceptance Criteria of Complete Joint Penetration Steel Bridge Welds Evaluated Using Enhanced Ultrasonic Methods" - Final Project Report for NCHRP Report 908, National Cooperative Highway Research Program National Academies, Washington, DC, July, 2018.
  • Gao, X., Castaneda, N.E., and Dyke, S.J., "Real-time hybrid simulation - from dynamic system, motion control to experimental error," Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 42(6), 815-832, DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2246 (2013).
  • Wang, Y., and Dyke, S.J., (2013), "Modal-based LQG for Smart Base Isolation System Design in Seismic Response Control." J. Structural Control Health Monitoring, Wiley, 20: 753-768. doi: 10.1002/stc.1490.
  • Cha, Y., Agrawal, A., and Dyke, S.J., (2013). "Time Delay Effects on Large-scale MR damper Based Semi-active Control Strategies," Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 22 No. 1, 015011 doi:10.1088/0964-1726/22/1/015011.
  • Cha, Y., Zhang, J., Agrawal, A., Dong, B., Friedman, A.J., Dyke, S.J., and Ricles, J., (2013). "Comparative Studies of Semi-active Control Strategies for MR Dampers: Pure Simulation and Real-Time Hybrid Tests." J. Struct. Eng. 139, SPECIAL ISSUE: NEES 1: Advances in Earthquake Engineering, 1237-1248.
  • Friedman, A.J., Dyke, S.J., and Phillips, B., (2013). "Over-driven Control for Large-scale Magnetorheological Dampers" Smart Materials and Structures, http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0964-1726/22/4/045001.
  • Hackmann, G., Guo, W., Yan, G., Sun, Z., Lu, C., and Dyke, S.J., (2014). "Cyber-Physical Co-design of Distributed Structural Health Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 25, Issue 1, pp. 63-72 DOI: 10.1109/TPDS.2013.30. http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TPDS.2013.30.
  • Song, W., and Dyke, S.J., (2013). "Development of a Cyber-Physical Experimental Platform for Real-Time Dynamic Model Updating." Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 37(1-2): 388-402.
  • Song, W., and Dyke, S.J., (2013). "Real-time Dynamic Model Updating of a Hysteretic Structural System," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000857.
  • Song, W., and Dyke, S.J., (2013). "Optimal Feedback Design For Nonlinear Stochastic Systems Using Pseudospectral Method," International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 55: 70-78 doi:10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2013.04.014.
  • Song, W., Dyke, S.J., and Harmon, T., (2013). "Application of Nonlinear Model Updating for A Reinforced Concrete (RC) Shear Wall," Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 139(5): 635-649, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000519.
  • Castaneda, N., Gao, X., and Dyke, S.J., (2013). "A Computational Tool for Real-time Hybrid Simulation of Seismically Excited Frame Structures." Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000341.
  • Cha, Y., Agrawal, A., Friedman, A.J., Phillips, B., Ahn, R., Dong, B., Dyke, S.J., Spencer, B.F., Ricles, J., and Christenson, R., (2013). "Performance Validations of Semi-active Controllers on a Large Scale Moment Resisting Frame Equipped with a 200kN MR Damper Using Real-time Hybrid Simulations," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000982.
  • Gao, X., Castaneda, N.E., and Dyke, S.J., (2014). "Experimental Validation of a Generalized Procedure for MDOF Real-time Hybrid Simulation." Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000696.
  • Friedman, A.J., Dyke, S.J., Phillips, B., Ahn, R., Dong, B., Chae, Y., Castaneda, N.E., Jiang, Z., Zhang, J., Cha, Y., Ozdagli, A.I., Spencer, B.F., Ricles, J., Christenson, R., Agrawal, A., Sause, R., (2014). "Large-scale Real-time Hybrid Simulation for Evaluation of Advanced Damping System Performance" Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001093 , 04014150.
  • Barnawi, W., and Dyke, S.J., (2014). "Seismic Fragility Relationships of a Cable-Stayed Bridge Equipped with Response Modification Systems." J. Bridge Engineering, Vol. 19, SPECIAL ISSUE: Recent Advances in Seismic Design, Analysis, and Protection of Highway Bridges, A4013003 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000468.
  • Gao, X., and Dyke, S.J., (2014). "Modeling and control of actuators for high performance structural dynamic testing" Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 23, 055008 doi:10.1088/0964-1726/23/5/055008.
  • Maghareh, A., Dyke, S.J., Prakash, A., and Rhoads, J., (2014), "Establishing a Stability Switch Criterion for Effective RTHS Implementation," Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 14, No. 6 pp. 1221-1245, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12989/sss.2014.14.6.1221.
  • Pejsa, S., Dyke, S.J., and Hacker, T., (2014). "Building Infrastructure for Preservation and Publication of Earthquake Engineering Research Data" The International Journal of Data Curation, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 83-97. doi:10.2218/ijdc.v9i2.335.
  • Maghareh, A., Dyke, S.J., and Prakash, A., (2014), "Establishing a Predictive Performance Indicator for Real-time Hybrid Simulation," Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 43, Issue 15, pp. 2299-2318, December 2014 DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2448.
  • Qian, Y., Ou, G., Maghareh, A., and Dyke, S.J., (2014), "Parametric Identification of a Servo-Hydraulic Actuator for Real-time Hybrid Simulation," Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2014.03.001.
  • Ou, G., Dyke, S.J., Ozdagli, A.I., and Wu, B., (2014), "Robust Integrated Actuator Control: Experimental Verification and Real Time Hybrid Simulation Implementation," Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2479.
  • Ou, G., Prakash, A., and Dyke, S.J., (2015), "A Modified Runge-Kutta Integration Method for Computation Delay in Real-time Hybrid Simulation," Journal of Earthquake Engineering, DOI:10.1080/13632469.2015.1027018.
  • Gomez, D., Dyke, S.J., and Maghareh, A., (2015), "Enabling Role of Hybrid Simulation Across NEES in Advancing Earthquake Engineering," Smart Structures and Systems Special Issue dedicated to Professor Yozo Fujino, January, DOI: 10.12989/sss.2015.15.3.913.
  • Yeum, C.M., and Dyke, S.J., (2015), "Vision based Automated Crack Detection for Bridge Inspection," Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, DOI: 10.1111/mice.12141.
  • Sun, Z., Krishnan, S., Hackmann, G., Yan, G., Dyke, S.J., Lu, C., and Irfanoglu, A., (2015). "Damage Detection on a Full-Scale Highway Sign Structure with a Distributed Wireless Sensor Network," Smart Structures and Systems, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12989/sss.2015.16.1.223.
  • Sun, Z., Li, B., Dyke, S.J., Lu, C., and Linderman, L., (2015). "Benchmark problem in active structural control with wireless sensor network," Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring, DOI: 10.1002/stc.1761.
  • Xu, B., He, J., and Dyke, S.J., 2015. "Model Free Nonlinear Restoring Force Identification for SMA Dampers with Double Chebyshev Polynomials: Approach and Validation" Nonlinear Dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s11071-015-2257-0.
  • Li, F., Maghareh, A., and Dyke, S.J., 2015. "Experimental Implementation of Predictive Indicators for Configuring a Real-time Hybrid Simulation" Engineering Structures, doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2015.07.040.
  • Whelchel, R.T., Williams, C.S., Frosch, R.J., "Live-Load Distribution of an Adjacent Box Beam Bridge: Influence of Bridge Deck," PCI Journal, Vol. 66, No. 6, November-December 2021.
  • Whelchel, R.T., Molley, R.T., Williams, C.S., Frosch, R.J., Anderson, N.S., and Brew, J.E., "Relaxation of Carbon and Stainless-Steel Threaded Bars for Post-Tensioning Applications," ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol 147, Issue 7, July 2021.
  • Sim, C. and Frosch, R.J., "Cracking Behavior of Slabs with Corrosion-Resistant and High-Strength Reinforcing Bars," ACI Structural Journal, V. 117, No. 5, September 2020.
  • Pay, A.C., Canbay, E., and Frosch, R.J. "Bond Strength of Spliced Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement," ACI Structural Journal, V. 111, No. 2, March-April 2014, pp. 257-266.
  • Saqan, E.I. and Frosch, R.J., "Influence of Flexural Reinforcement on Shear Strength of Prestressed Beams without Web Reinforcement," ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 106, No. 1, January-February 2009, pp. 60-68.
  • Wolf, T.S. and Frosch, R.J., "Shear Design of Prestressed Concrete: A Unified Approach," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 133, No. 11, November 2007, pp. 1512-1519
  • Canbay, E. and Frosch, R.J., "The Design of Lap-Spliced Bars: Is Simplification Possible?" ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 103, No. 3, May-June 2006, pp. 444-451.
  • Tureyen, A.K. and Frosch, R.J., "Concrete Shear Strength: Another Perspective," ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 100, No. 5, September-October 2003, pp. 609-615.
  • Frosch, R.J., "Modeling and Control of Side Face Beam Cracking," ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 99, No. 3, May-June 2002, pp. 376-385.
  • Frosch, R.J., "Another Look at Cracking and Crack Control in Reinforced Concrete," ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 96, No. 3, May-June 1999, pp. 437-442.
  • Irfanoglu, A., "Using Numerical Simulations and Engineering Reasoning under Uncertainty: Studying the Collapse of WTC-1", Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, accepted for publication, 2010.
  • Luna, B.N., and Irfanoglu, A., "Estimating Base Shear versus Roof Drift Curves using Earthquake-Response Data", Earthquake Spectra, accepted for publication, 2010.
  • Korkmaz, K.A., Irfanoglu, A., and Kayhan, A.H., "Seismic Risk Assessment of Buildings in Izmir, Turkey," Natural Hazards, September 2009 (online), 2010 (print).
  • Miamis, K., Irfanoglu, A., and Sozen, M.A., "Dominant Factor in the Collapse of WTC-1", Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, v.23(4):203-208, 2009.
  • Irfanoglu, A., "Performance of Template School Buildings during Earthquakes in Turkey and Peru", Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, v.23(1):5-14, 2009
  • Irfanoglu, A., and Hoffmann, C.M., "An Engineering Perspective of the Collapse of WTC-I", Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. v.22(1):62-67, 2008.
  • Griffiths, J.H.P., Irfanoglu, A., and Pujol, S., "Istanbul at the Threshold: An Evaluation of the Seismic Risk in Istanbul", Earthquake Spectra, v.23 (1): 63-75, 2007.
  • Beck, J.L., Chan, E., Irfanoglu, A., and Papadimitriou, C., "Multi-criteria Optimal Structural Design under Uncertainty", Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 28:741-761, 1999.
  • Ramirez, J.A., Breen, J.E., (1991) "Evaluation of Modified Truss Model for Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams," ACI Structural Journal, 88 (5); September-October, pp. 562-571.
  • Aguilar, G., Matamoros, A., Parra-Montesinos, G., Ramirez, J., and Wight, J., (2002), "Experimental Evaluation of Design Procedures for Shear Strength of Deep Reinforced Concrete Beams," ACI Structural Journal, July/August, 99(4), pp. 539-548.
  • Pujol, S., Sozen, M.A., and Ramirez, J.A., (2006) "Displacement History Effects on Drift Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Columns," ACI Structural Journal, 103(2), 253-262.
  • Bobet, A., Ramirez, J.A., and Parra-Montesinos, G., (2006) "Performance of the Daikai Subway Station during the Great Hanshin Earthquake," ACI Structural Journal, 103(1), 113-122.
  • T. Gur, A.C. Pay, J.A. Ramirez, M.A. Sozen, A. M. Johnson, A. Irfanoglu (corr. author), and A. Bobet, "Performance of School Buildings in Turkey during the 1999 Duzce and the 2003 Bingol Earthquakes," (2009), Earthquake Spectra, v. 25 (2): 239-256.
  • Sneed, L. H. and Ramirez, J. A., "Influence of Effective Depth on the Shear Strength of Concrete Beams Without Shear Reinforcement and Skin Reinforcement - Experimental Study," (2010), ACI Structural Journal, 107(5), pp. 554-562.
  • Villamizar, S., Ramirez, J.A., and Aguilar, G., "Shear Strength and Behavior of High Strength Concrete Prestressed Beams," (2017), ACI Structural Journal, V.114, No.01, pp. 277-289.
  • Yeum, C. M., Lund, A. Dyke, S. J., Ramirez, J.A., "Visual data classification in post-event building reconnaissance," (2018), Engineering Structures, Vol 155, p 16-24.
  • Rachel E. Henkhaus, Sandra Villamizar, and Julio A. Ramirez, "Increase in Coating Thickness of Epoxy Coated Steel Reinforcing Bars for Concrete Deck Replacement," (2020), ACI Materials Journal, September, Vol. 117, No. 5.
  • Soleimani, S.M., Jaeger, M., Alaqqad, A.R., and Faheiman, A. (2024). Success Factors of Recently Implemented eLearning Methods at Higher Education Institutions in Kuwait. Quality in Higher Education. 30(1), pp. 130-142.
  • Sedaghat, A., Kalbasi, R., Narayanan, R., Mehdizadeh, A., Soleimani, S.M., et al. (2024). Integrating solar PV systems for energy efficiency in portable cabins: A case study in Kuwait. Solar Energy, Volume 277, 112715.
  • Sedaghat, A., Salem, H., Hussam, W.K., Mahdizadeh, A., Al-Khiami, A.I., Ashtian Malayer, M., Soleimani, S.M., Sabati, M., Narayanan, R., Rasul, M., and Khan M.M.K. (2023). Exploring energy-efficient building solutions in hot regions: A study on bio-phase change materials and cool roof coatings. Journal of Building Engineering, 76, 107258, 22 pages.
  • Al-Khiami, M.I., Jaeger, M., Soleimani, S.M., and Kazem, A. (2023). Enhancing concrete structures education: Impact of virtual reality on motivation, performance and usability for undergraduate engineering students. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, pp. 1-20.
  • Al-Khiami, M.I., Jaeger, M., and Soleimani, S.M. (2023). The Integration of Digital Techniques in Engineering Education: A Case Study to Evaluate Student's Motivation and Performance. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 13(5), pp. 844-848.
  • Jaeger, M., Adair, D., and Soleimani, S.M. (2023). Multi-Criteria Evaluation of eLearning Attributes using the Fuzzy TOPSIS Method. International Journal of Engineering Education, 39(1), pp. 241-251.
  • Soleimanpour, R., and Soleimani, S.M. (2022) Scattering Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Symmetric Lamb Wave at Cracks in Plates. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 37(4), pp. 493-463.
  • Soleimani, S.M., Sayyar Roudsari, S., Banthia, N., Alaqqad, A.R., Mohammad, N., and Jumaah, A. (2021). Analytical and Experimental Study of Using Recycled Tire Products in Pavement-Grade Concrete Suited for Hot Weather Climates. Construction and Building Materials, 312, 125343.
  • Sayyar Roudsari, S., Soleimani, S.M., and Hamoush, S.A. (2021). Analytical Study of the Effects of Opening Characteristics and Plate Thickness on the Performance of Sinusoidal and Trapezoidal Corrugated Steel Plate Shear Walls. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 182(21): 106660.
  • Kowalkowski, K.*, and Varma, A.H., (2006) "Structural Properties of Steels Subjected to Multiple Cycles of Damage Followed by Heating Repair," Journal of Structural Engineering, tentatively accepted for publication, ASCE.
  • Prabhu, M., Varma, A.H.*, Buch, N., and Thandavesvara, D., (2006) "Experimental Evaluation of Dowel Misalignment on Joint Pullout Behavior," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, recommended for publication, TRB, Washington, D.C.
  • Kowalkowski, K., and Varma, A.H., (2005) "Experimental Investigations of the Effects of Multiple Damage-Heat Straightening Repair Cycles on the Structural Properties of Bridge Steels." Transportation Research Board, recommended for publication, TRB, Washington, D.C.
  • Varma, A.H., Sause, R., Ricles, J.M., and Qinggang, L., (2005) "Development and Validation of Fiber Models for High Strength Square CFT Beam-Columns." ACI Structural Journal, American Concrete Institute, 102, 1, 73-85, Farmington Hills, MI.
  • Varma, A.H., Ricles, J.M., Sause, R., and Ream, A., (2004) "Seismic Behavior and Design of High Strength Square Concrete Filled Steel Tube Beam-Columns," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 130, 2, 169-179.
  • Varma, A.H., Ricles, J.M., Sause, R., and Lu, L.W., (2002). "Seismic Behavior and Modeling of High Strength Composite Concrete Filled Steel Tube Beam-Columns," Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Elsevier Applied Science, Volume 58, Issue 5-8, pp. 725-758.
  • Complete Listing

Current Research Projects

  • National Science Foundation, Collaborative Research: SI2-SSI: Empowering the Scientific Community with Streaming Data Middleware: Software Integration into Complex Science Environments, $42,000 (PI: Tony Fountain from UCSD, July 2012-June 2015).
  • National Science Foundation - CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: CyberMech, a Novel Run-Time Substrate for Cyber-Mechanical Systems (PI: Prakash, Co-PI: Dyke, Collaborative with C. Gill, C. Lu, and K. Agrawal) $1,800,000 (Oct 2011-Sept 2015).
  • Army Research Laboratories, SBIR-Phase 2, Ultra-Low Power Wireless Sensors for Advanced in Situ Structural Health Monitoring, subcontract to Luna Innovations ($158,000, December 2012-January 2015).
  • National Science Foundation - CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Cyber-Physical Co-Design of Wireless Monitoring and Control for Civil Infrastructure (PI: Dyke, Collaborative with G. Agha, C. Lu, B. Spencer) $340,000 (Oct 2010-Sept 2015).
  • National Science Foundation - NEESR-SG: Development of Performance-Based Design and Real-time Large-scale Testing Methodologies to Enable Implementation of Smart Damping Systems (PI: Dyke; Co-PIs: J. Ricles, B. Spencer, A. Agrawal, R. Christenson) $1.2 million (September 2008-August 2014).
  • Middle East Technical University, Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Select Historic Masonry Buildings in Fatih District of Istanbul, Turkey, Five Months (2010), Irfanoglu.
  • National Science Foundation, Collaborative Research: the Learning Bridge, 2009-2011, Irfanoglu,
  • National Science Foundation/NEES Operations, 2010-2014, Irfangolu w/ Ramirez, Fossum, Eigenmann, Hacker, Bahchi and Brophy.
  • U.S. Department of State & WJE Assoc., Inc., A Study on the Seismic Risk of Four Buildings in Istanbul, Turkey, One month 2009, Irfanoglu.
  • U.S. Department of State & WJE Assoc., Inc., A Study on the Seismic Risk of Two Buildings in Istanbul, Turkey, Two months 2009, Irfanoglu.
  • Design and Construction of Bonded and Unbonded Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge Elements
  • Repair and Strengthening of Bridges Using Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Systems
  • Development and Splice Lengths for High-Strength Reinforcement
  • Relaxation of Large Diameter Corrosion Resistant Steel
  • Development of a Cost-Effective Bridge Preservation and Rehabilitation Program
  • Development and Implementation of a Concrete Box Beam Risk Assessment and Mitigation Program
  • September 2020 - August 2022, EAGER: Joint Hazard Mitigation in the Era of COVID-19: Implications for Engineered Structures and Services, National Science Foundation, In collaboration with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Georgia State University, Purdue University, and Notre Dame University.
  • September 2019 - August 2024, NASA, Science Technology Mission Directorate STRI: Resilient Extra-Terrestrial Habitat Institute, In collaboration with Purdue University, University of Connecticut, Harvard University, and University of San Antonio.
  • December 2018 - December 2021, Seismic Evaluation of Indiana Bridge Network and Current Bridge Database for Asset Management, FHWA and INDOT, Purdue University and Notre Dame University
  • July 2016 - June 2021, Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Network Coordination Office (NCO) Center, National Science Foundation, In collaboration with North Carolina State University, Texas Tech University, University of Texas, San Antonio.
  • October 2009 - September 9 2014, NEES Ops (08-574) Cooperative Agreement CMMI- 0927178, National Science Foundation, In collaboration with Purdue University, University of Texas at Austin, San Jose State University.
  • December 2006 - November 2012, NEESR-GC: Mitigation of Collapse Risk in Vulnerable Concrete Buildings, National Science Foundation, In collaboration with University of California Berkeley, Purdue University, San Jose State University, and University of California in Los Angeles.
  • September 2003 - August 2005, Collaborative Research: Demonstration of NEES for Studying Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction, National Science Foundations, In collaboration with Purdue Univ., U. of Washington, UT, Austin, U. Nevada, Reno, UC, Berkeley, and San Jose State Univ.
  • July 2006-July 2009, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Realistic Fire Behavior and Stability of Steel Building Structures and Sub-system, Varma.
  • May 2006-May 2007, Bechtel Power Corporation, Behavior and Design of Modular Steel Plated Composite Walls for Nuclear Facilities, Varma.
  • January 2006 - April 2008, Evaluation and Verification of Bridge LRFD Design Software, Indiana Department of Transportation.
  • January 2006 - April 2007, Synthesis Study: Heat Treatment of Steel and Applications for Rehabilitating Steel Bridges in Indiana, Indiana Department of Transportation.
  • August 2005 - December 2005, Analysis of Modular Composite Sandwich Panel Walls for Nuclear Facilities, Bechtel Nuclear Power Corporation.
  • January 2004 - July 2006, A Laboratory Evaluation of Alignment Tolerances For Dowel Bars and Their Effect on Joint Opening Behavior, Michigan Department of Transportation, Co-Principal.
  • Complete Listing