Transportation and Infrastructure Systems Engineering

As a branch of civil engineering, transportation engineering has a history that is long and illustrious and a future that is full of promise. The National Academy of Engineering has identified restoring urban infrastructure and implementing smart mobility as grand challenges. We need coordinated approaches to tackle transportation issues by integrating car, rail, bus, truck, walking and bicycling to meet sustainability goals. Currently, we see how smartphones have enabled ride sharing services such as Uber and Lyft, while taxis and GPS-equipped cars and trucks are providing massive amounts of data that was unimaginable a few years back. Before long, it may be common to have vehicles are talking to infrastructure (V2I) and vehicles talking to each other (V2V). Traffic flow with automated vehicles is expected to be much safer and more efficient than with human drivers.

The journey to that future will be fascinating and challenging. The safe and efficient movement of people and goods relies on infrastructure. Highways, airports, railroads, waterways and pipelines need to be planned, designed, operated, and maintained. Purdue's Transportation and Infrastructure Systems Engineering faculty offer a wide range of classes, research facilities, and experiences. Their efforts will have noticeable impacts on challenges such as:

  • Asset management
  • Data acquisition and analytics
  • Emergency response
  • Energy
  • Freight Transportation and Logistics
  • Environment
  • Smart Mobility
  • Sustainability
  • Urban infrastructure

The award-winning Purdue Student Chapter of the Institute of Transportation Engineers introduces students to the transportation profession and fosters a close association of students with practicing engineers, educators from other institutions, and local and national chapters of ITE.


January 16, 2015

CE student Ruoyun Huang awarded Banks Scholarship

Ruoyun (Sarah) Huang has been awarded the Sharon D. Banks Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship by the Greater Chicago Chapter of the Women's Transportation Seminar (WTS) for her interest in advancing transportation innovation in the international arena.
December 10, 2014

Ph.D. Student Eleni Bardaka awarded Leadership Legacy Scholarship

Eleni Bardaka has been awarded the Beverley Swaim Staley Leadership Legacy Scholarship by the Greater Chicago Chapter of the Women's Transportation Seminar (WTS) for her interest in advancing transportation innovation in the international arena.
December 5, 2014

Prof. Bullock, JTRP receive Corps of Engagement Award

Purdue University's Office of Engagement has named Prof. Darcy Bullock and his research team recipients of the Corps of Engagement Award. This award is given to a team of faculty, staff, students and/or community stakeholders for outstanding partnership and achievement in engagement.
November 24, 2014

JTRP celebrates milestone of one million downloads

In partnership, Purdue Libraries and the Joint Transportation Research Program (JTRP) achieved a major milestone on Sunday, December 7, 2014, with over one million downloads of technical reports within the Libraries’ Purdue e-Pubs, the University’s worldwide online open access Institutional document repository.
November 21, 2014

JTRP Hosts Indiana Leaders for Research Update

On November 19, 2014, JTRP hosted a joint meeting with Tonya Brothers-Bridge, Lt. Governor Chief of Staff, Steve Abel, Purdue University Associate Vice President for Engagement, INDOT Commissioner Karl Browning and INDOT Deputy Commissioner Jay Wasson.
November 18, 2014

Ph.D. Candidate Yong Hoon Kim receives Best Presentation Award

Yong Hoon Kim, a Ph.D. candidate in TIS, received the 2014 Intelligent Transportation Systems Best Presentation Award from the Transportation Science and Logistics Society of INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and Management Science).
November 12, 2014

Ph.D. Graduate Samiul Hasan receives Best Dissertation Award

Samiul Hasan, a 2013 Ph.D. graduate from the Transportation and Infrastructure Systems area, was awarded the 2014 INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics (TSL) Best Dissertation Award at the INFORMS annual meeting in San Francisco.
August 18, 2014

Gkritza, engineering faculty honored by NAE

Nadia Gkritza, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering and Agricultural and Biological Engineering, is one of three Purdue engineering faculty members who have been selected to take part in the National Academy of Engineering's sixth Frontiers of Engineering Education (FOEE) symposium along with 77 of the nation's most innovative, young engineering educators.
June 2, 2014

Bullock team receives Office of Engagement award

Darcy Bullock, professor of civil engineering and director of the Joint Transportation Research Program, has been chosen along with his research team, to receive the second annual Corps of Engagement Award from Purdue's Office of Engagement.
May 28, 2014

Ph.D. student receives Best Paper Award

Ph.D. student Michelle Dojutrek and her co-authors received the Best Paper Award at the 10th International Conference of the Institute for Infrastructure Resilience and Reconstruction.
April 15, 2014

Purdue ITE wins district "Traffic Bowl"

Steven Lavrenz (JTRP), Pulkit Parikh, and Vinay Varadarajan represented Purdue in the regional Traffic Bowl competition sponsored by Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) on April 14, 2014 in Indianapolis.
April 2, 2014

Purdue Road School - Celebrating 100 Years

The 100th Purdue Road School was held March 11-13 2014. Civil engineering professors Darcy Bullock and John Haddock served as co-chairs of the conference that included 160 sessions attended by approximately 2,330 transportation professionals.
April 1, 2014

Center for Roadway Safety: Research in Motion

The Center for Roadway Safety (CRS) focuses on driver and roadway infrastructure safety through a multi-disciplinary approach to research. Through its collaborations with the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), Homeland Security and various offices at the US DOT, CRS has compiled one of the largest traffic-safety databases in the State of Indiana.
February 7, 2014

Labi receives Frank M. Masters Award

Associate Professor Samuel Labi has been selected by the Transportation and Development Institute to receive the 2014 Frank M. Masters Award for his outstanding and innovative work in advancing the area of transportation infrastructure asset management systems.
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