Jan Olek elected to ACI Committee on Nominations

Jan Olek, James H. and Carol H. Cure Professor in Civil Engineering and Director of the North Central Superpave Center, has been elected to serve on the American Concrete Institute's Committee on Nominations for 2024-2025.

Jan Olek, James H. and Carol H. Cure Professor in Civil Engineering and Director of the North Central Superpave Center, has been elected to serve on the American Concrete Institute's (ACI) Committee on Nominations for 2024-2025.

The Committee on Nominations began deliberations at the conclusion of the Spring 2024 ACI Board of Direction meeting, and will nominate Institute officers for terms starting at the conclusion of the ACI Concrete Convention in Spring 2025. Chosen annually, the Committee on Nominations submits recommendations for the positions of President, Vice President, four members of the Board of Direction, and 10 candidates for the Committee on Nominations.